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BBW W.A.P. (What A Pig) - Part 1 [~BBW, Feedism, Stuffing, Feeding, ~WG, Sexuality]

Dimensions Magazine

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LJ Rock

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2005

This is the story of Jenny and Mark, a young couple exploring their feedist desires and discovering the joys of being fat and getting fatter. Will things get out of hand, and who exactly is in charge?

**This is an abridged and censored version of a longer and much more explicit story which appears exclusively on my Patreon page. It is the first part in a three part series.**

W.A.P. (What A Pig) - Part 1
by LJ Rock

“But I’m already very, very fat,” she said, patting her soft tummy.

Looking over at him sitting there behind the wheel, staring out into the dark night in front of them, she could see a look of excitement come over his face. She knew he was getting more and more aroused the closer they got to their special place.

“Oh yes you are!” he groaned, reaching over with his right paw, clutching a generous handful of her lard and shaking. Her bare belly was protruding out from under her top, hanging down on the soft fabric of the passenger’s seat, bouncing and jiggling with each movement.

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“And I know you say you like it,” she continued, “but I don’t want to get too fat for you.” Then she let out a soft little hiccup under her breath. They had just come from an all-you-can-eat buffet, and she was already quite stuffed.

“You know you can never be too fat for me, baby,” he affirmed with a toothy grin, still only gazing at her occasionally from the corner of his eye as he drove, and then he gave three firm taps on her plump rolls with the ends of his fingers.

She pushed her tongue through the front of her teeth as she giggled, just as she often did, and another soft little hiccup escaped from her lips, this time a bit more audible.

Moments later they pulled into the big empty parking lot. The night was pitch-black all around them, and not a soul was stirring anywhere for miles. The public park in their little town was always quiet and desolate this time of the year, and in the dead of night they knew it was a good place where they could be alone to explore their deepest desires and fantasies.

Both Jenny and Mark had known each other in high school, but didn’t really start spending time together until about halfway through their second year attending the same local community college. In talking to one another it became quickly apparent that they share a mutual attraction for one another as well as an interest and desire to explore the world of feedism.

He pulled into a spot that looked out over the tree-lined valley of the river just below, the lights of the city shining far off in the distance. Mark cut the engine and quickly removed his seatbelt, then lunged toward his date, rubbing and groping her stuffed belly, licking and kissing her face and neck like a ravenous animal. She giggled and squealed girlishly, her tongue sticking through her front teeth and spraying a fine mist of spittle on his shoulder.

“Oh my,” she cooed, “you just can’t keep your hands off of me, can you?”

“Oh, Jenny,” he grunted, “the fatter you get the hotter I get for you!”

“Easy, big fella,” she chuckled, pushing him back off of her just a bit. Then looking at his face, seeing the desire in his eyes, she gently ran a hand through his coif of curly brown hair and kissed him softly on the lips before letting out another little hiccup.

“So,” she said then, her face still close enough to his to feel his hot breath washing down her neck, “what did you bring for me today?”

“Let’s go in the back and see,” he said in a near whisper.

He let himself out of the car and ran around quickly to the passenger side to open the door for her. It was a large late-model SUV with soft leather seats and tinted windows that his parents had gotten for him when he start commuting to college everyday. Jenny and Mark were both still living at home with their parents while they attended school, which is why they were forced to resort to parking in the park after dark in order to be alone together.

He opened the back door for Jenny and helped her get into the back seat, putting his hands on her big butt as she crammed her big body through. “Scooch over,” he said, patting her on her thick thigh; he never seemed to miss an opportunity to put a hand on her and feel her fatness.

Jenny slid her body over on the sofa-like backseat of the vehicle, her still exposed belly bouncing up and down. Mark let himself in and closed the door behind him. Once inside, he quickly reached behind the seat into the ‘way-back’ of the car, where there was a stash of grocery bags filled with fattening treats: cupcakes, cookies, chips and sodas - all of the things that he knew Jenny would love.

“Oh my,” said the young woman, laughing skittishly as she watched Mark empty the bags out into the space on the seat in between them, “look at all these goodies,” once again putting a hand to her lips as her gullet pushed out another soft little hiccup. “That sure is a lot of food; I don’t know if I can eat all of that.”

“Sure you can,” cackled Mark playfully as he began to unwrap the packaging to one of the cupcakes, “It’s all for you, baby!”

Jenny licked her lips and massaged her bloated belly. Even though she knew full well that Mark would have bags full of snacks for her to pig out on later and that she should have paced herself more, she still made a total pig of herself at dinner and her belly was already stuffed. She just couldn’t seem to control herself. She kept going back up to the buffet, getting plate after plate after plate of food. By the time they were ready to leave her belly was so distended she could barely pry herself out of the booth they’d been sitting in.


He was holding the cupcake up to her lips, waiting for her to take a bite. He always loved to feed her by hand; even when they were at the restaurant, every few minutes he’d be holding up a forkful of something delicious to stuff into her face, saying “Oh, you gotta try this one!”

Jenny let her tongue fall over her lower lip as she let out a gust of air, then she closed her eyes and leaned in to take a bite. She felt felt him shove the sweet dessert deeper and deeper into her mouth until the whole thing was inside, the sweet, buttery flavors and fruity aroma taking over her senses.

She giggled girlishly as she struggled to chew it all and swallow it down; looking at Mark she could see that he was already unwrapping another cake for her. She knew that he wasn’t going to be satisfied until every last crumb of every last cupcake, cookie and everything else was inside of her.

“Can I do it?” Jenny asked herself. “Can I really eat all of this?”

She massaged the softness of her belly and held her tongue out again as Mark held up the second cake for her to take another bite, and just as before she allowed him to cram the entire thing into her all at once. She chewed and and slurped and gulped, trying not to let herself choke.

“Maybe I can,” she continued to think to herself, “maybe I really am just that much of a fatty!”

Jenny felt an excitement building up deep inside of her. She had always been fat, and had always loved to eat, but ever since she had started hanging out with Mark she had discovered just how much of a glutton she could be. Never before had she ever imagined that she could allow herself to stuff herself in front of someone else - in public no less - let alone a cute guy that she liked. Her epic pig-outs had always been something to be done in private only, in the dead of night in her room, when everyone else was asleep; where no one would see her, where no one would judge her. It was still mind-blowing to her that she had met someone who not only could accept her for being fat, but actually liked that she was fat. Hell, Mark really seemed to love it. She knew she wouldn’t ever have to hide herself from him; she could say what she wanted to and she could act the way she wanted to. It was wonderful and liberating.

Before long the entire package of cupcakes was gone, and Mark had moved on to the big bag of cookies he had brought. Jenny licked her lips and awaited eagerly for him to stuff more of the sugary delights in her mouth.

“I’m gonna do this,” she said to herself, “I’m really going to eat it all!”


“Gosh," she thought, "I really am a big, fat pig. Aren’t I?”

She scarfed down the cookies just as fast Mark could stuff them into her mouth. Crumbs were scattered everywhere, and big smears of chocolate were painted across her face.

“These are good,” she muttered with a mouthful of cookie-mush, “but they’re kind of dry.”

“Say no more,” Mark replied, grabbing a can of diet cola and popping the top open. He held it up to her lips and tilted her head back as he poured it down her throat. She gulped it all down at once, sticking her tongue out as far as it could go to catch every last drop.


“Here,” he said, ripping open another bag, “have some of these yummy nacho chips.”

Compared to the cupcakes and cookies, these chips would go down quick as she could practically swallow them whole.

“Oh, God! Look at me!” Jenny grabbed a cola in each hand and started sucking down soda in between bites of chips. “I’m totally out of control! I’m such a pig — oink oink!”

The young couple sat in the back seat of that car into the wee hours of the morning, sharing more of their dreams and fantasies with one another. Mark and Jenny continued seeing one another, growing closer to one another as they explored their desires, pushing boundaries and opening doors to more possibilities. There was no telling how far they could take things.

In time they decided to move in together — this is when the dynamics of their relationship really started to take shape.


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