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Wanna help some kitties?

Dimensions Magazine

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Queen of Contempt
Oct 4, 2005
(mods, please feel free to remove if inappropriate).

I have set up an Amazon.com affiliate store for the 501(c)3 organization I volunteer with, Austin Siamese Rescue. If you shop there anyway, and would like for 4-6% of the cost of your purchase to go to ASR *at no cost to you* please shop through the following link:

ASR Amazon.com Store

(You can buy anything you want there - not just the things on this page). I do think the kitty teapot and halloween stuff are too cute, but I'm a crazy cat lady.

Also, Tina was kind enough to donate us some art (thank you Tina) so if any of you want cute kitty items, please stop by our CafePress Store - again, any profits go to help the kitties.

Austin Siamese Cafepress Store

Thanks guys!

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