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Was Obama born in Alabama

Dimensions Magazine

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Russell Williams

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2006
Letters to the editor.

There is still discussion about where president Obama was born. The difficulty with saying that the documentation and eyewitnesses are incorrect or at least questionable is that, if the documentation is considered invalid and the eyewitness reports are considered inaccurate then many theories become possible. While I do not believe the following theory how can those who do not trust the birth documents prove that the following theory is wrong?.

President Obama claims to been born in 1961. How can those who question the documents of his birth prove that the following is wrong? In 1959, in a southern city, the son of a prominent black minister fell in love with the daughter of a prominent white minister. In the process of their love the daughter became pregnant. Since both ministers emphasized to their congregations the importance of abstinence if the news of the daughter's pregnancy got out both ministers would have their social standing negatively affected and, considering that was only four years after the murder of Emmett Till, there was the distinct possibility that one or more people would be lynched and one or more churches would be firebombed. Therefore the white daughter was sent to home for unwed teenagers where she had her baby and then a teenage white woman was found, in the state as far away from Alabama's you could get, who was willing to claim that the baby was hers. Suitable documentation was provided to show that the baby was born to the woman in Hawaii.

If this theory is correct then president Obama was certainly born in the United States. What proof can those who doubt the birth certificate, eyewitnesses accounts, and newspaper stories, offer to prove that the above theory is not correct. After all if the above theory is correct Obama is definitely an American citizen.

Yours truly,
Russell Williams –

note, before someone quickly reads the above and then denounces it is nonsense a careful reading will show that I also believe it is nonsense but, how do those who did not believe any of the documentation or eyewitnesses accounts prove that it is nonsense?

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