☯tae kwan donut champ☯
So, I was stunned by the sheer volume of bbw and bhm at Watercountry in Portsmouth, NH today. I haven't been to a waterpark in over a decade, so I figured I'd be sandwiched in lines with 90lb teenage girls all day... but, I was surprised. I was also surprised when I lost my swimsuit top and almost half the bottom on a slide that has people going head-first on mats. Thank goodness it was headfirst, though, because I was able to adjust the ladies before I stood up. I get some good speed on these things these days... all that momentum, lol. There must be an FA physics guy who can tell me how fast someone my weight goes on these things... I swear I got air around some corners (some really scary air, too! LOL. I thought, at one point, I'd be on the news as the one who flipped up and over because I'm round and I was rolling like a seal LOL.) and also managed to completely wedge my arse stuck in a doughnut raft. That was hilarious. My friend had to help me get out. I was so delighted by the amount of fat people that I had to write about it. I totally didn't expect it. There were some uberhotties! It was like, "Hey, my people! How are ya? Where's the fried dough? Point ze way!" lol.