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Weight gain = bigger boobs?

Dimensions Magazine

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Feb 15, 2007
Now now, im no pervert or nothing...lol

I was just sort of noicting that thicker chicks have a bigger bust size, is that becuase of the food they eat? OR is it becuase of there natural body growth? I like boobs as much as the next guy, but I dont drool over them.

* Parpares for the following:

Yeah you do! ALL guys dool over woman's boobs, that's why we have them for guys to look at.

LOL, that's true. But guess what? Im sorry but acting like an ASS over them isn't it.


So I wont be making another thread, how come some guys look at a thick chick and get inside there head with "I like you, I dont care how you look" they get some, and then they leave.

Or my personal favorite come V-day and they break up with you? Im just pissing myself off. Ima just leave.

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