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BOTH Well Fed Witness - by FANedfox (~BBW/~BHM Eating, Intrigue, ~SWG)

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2007
~BBW/~BHM Eating, Intrigue, ~SWG - a couple in witness protection finds am unexpected disguise

Well Fed Witness
By FANed Fox

I had witnessed a gang related shooting in LA and testified in a federal racketeering case about the same gang. Needless to say the gang members wanted me dead.

The prosecutor immediately got myself and my wife, Jen, into the witness protection program. To throw off the gangs pursuit, the marshals moved Jen and I from safe house to safe house over several states. We traveled by car and stayed indoors whenever we would hold up to see if they were still on the trail.

This lifestyle was taking it’s toll on Jen and my physiques. Jen had quit smoking recently and I was used to a lot more exercise than I was getting now, which was none.

We were in a small town in Colorado, staying at a nice, but obscure motel. Jen and I had just changed into swimsuits. I was wearing a black “Speedo” bikini cut brief swimsuit and Jen was wearing a bikini and matching halter top. We both had on t-shirts on, getting ready to go down to the pool.

I looked out the window and spotted a car with California tags on it. The men in it were wearing the “colors” of the gang that was pursuing us too. I panicked, “Jen quick, out the back fire door, there is a car with California tags and it looks to be gang bangers inside in the front parking lot.”

She did not need any more encouragement; we ran down the hall and out the back door. Well safe for now. But remember I said how much our physiques had changed with the sedentary lifestyle, well we were quite a sight! I had gained over twenty pounds, now sporting a forty inch waist, crammed into a size thirty six “Speedo” with a medium t-shirt barely covering my paunch.

Jen, had gained twenty five pounds. Riding in the car, she constantly nibbled, meal times were a greatly looked forward to relief to get out of the car, so the longer the meal the better. Her round tummy now bulged over her bikini, the halter top cut into the soft flab under her arms, the t-shirt she had on would not cover her expanded tummy either.

So here we were in a strange town, wandering around nearly naked and fat, lost to boot.

We started down an alley in the older part of town. Even in our panicked state we were stopped in our tracks by the most wonderful cooking smells. “Wow, that smells fantastic, I wish we could find out where it is coming from.” I said.

“Really” said Jen, sniffing the air.

We heard a door open on a house next to us. We both looked toward the sound. Jen gasped.

“Wow, look how fat that woman is! She must weigh over three hundred pounds!” exclaimed Jen.

I looked and saw an FA’s dream come true. There was an older woman, maybe in her sixties waddling down a short flight of steps carrying some trash or a bag. Her hips must have been four feet wide, capped with beach ball size cheeks, her belly bulged out farther than her boobs, swaying with every move she made. She was wearing an over stretched house dress barely containing her amazing girth!

As Jen and I stood transfixed by this vision, she started coming towards us. She looked up and smiled, “Well Hello there dears.”

I answered, “Hello ma’am,”

She came to the fence and said, “Young man will youi put this in that trash can there.”

“Certainly” I replied.

“Oh thank you,” responded the lady, who introduced herself as Madge.

She glanced over the fence and giggled. “You two really should be wearing a little more clothes don’t you think, though you both have wonderful “figures” to show off.”

“We had to leave our motel in a bit of a hurry, no time to get dressed, we were on our way to the pool”. I answered.

“Well, you two shouldn’t be wandering around town with almost no clothes on, and besides you two look like you have pretty good appetites, why don’t you join me for a nice big supper!” suggested Madge.

Just then Jen’s tummy growled. Madge opened her gate. “The young lady needs a nice big meal for her lovely figure; you too, young man.”

We followed Madge’s awesome bottom up the steps and into the warm house. We were immediately overwhelmed by the rich cooking smells of the massive feast laid out on the kitchen table.

We sat down at her table which was covered with bowls and serving platters full of the most wonderful dishes we could imagine. After a quick prayer, Madge started serving us overflowing plates of rich, heavy casseroles, rich meats and sauces. She insisted that we drink her special tea, nice and cold and sweet.

While we were gorging ourselves, and between her own bites of food Madge told us her life’s story, as she called it.

Madge and her husband George had been transferred to town over thirty years ago. George had worked for the railroad. Madge loved to cook and had a real talent for it.

She also loved to watch people eat and eat herself. She got a job at the local school as a cook. She loved working there. She loved to watch the kids eat her wonderful food.

George was one of the football coaches at the high school he was the offensive line coach. He had been a lineman in high school and college and loved to work with the boys. It was a rule that during football season, the “line” would eat dinner after practice at George and Madge’s house. Madge loved to cook huge meals for her “boys”. The town high school soon had a reputation for having the largest offensive line in the conference.

George retired from the railroad with a generous pension and Madge retired from the school system, also with a pretty good pension. He and Madge did a little traveling, but only a couple years after retiring George died of cancer.

Madge was saddened by the loss of her soul mate. She and George loved to eat and Madge also missed her job and the school. Madge continued to cook large amounts of food, she could not adjust her portions to just herself. She also hated to waste food, so Madge got into the habit of eating everything she cooked. She had always been plump, though fairly short, but the huge amounts of food she started eating caused her once merely plump figure to balloon! Balloon she did, Madge gained over a hundred pounds in less than a year, most of weight going to her bottom, hips and belly.

After nearly two hours of constant eating, I looked down at my distended belly, now bulging out onto my thighs. I looked over at Jen. She had a glassy look in her eyes, she was nibbling on bits and pieces on her plate, she looked pregnant her tummy was so distended too.

Madge looked up at me and smiled. Her own belly now pushing up against the table, she burped, “URP, excuse me, Now Ned you and Jen look like you need a rest, before dessert!”

I thought “dessert! I feel like I am going to explode I am so stuffed, and Jen looks like she is going to give birth to triplets, how can she possibly think we can eat desert!”

Madge, still sitting at the table suggested, “Ned, why don’t you help your lovely Jen up and let her lie down on the couch, it should help her tummy settle a bit, dear.”

I struggled to my feet, my belly bulging out over the table, I helped my engorged bride to her feet, (barely) we waddled/staggered into the living room and the couch. I lowered Jen onto the couch, causing her to burp, “BURRP:

"Oh sorry honey, I am so stuffed, but I feel so good!” cooed Jen. I had to admit, though I looked like I was going to explode any minute I did feel pretty good.

I thought, “Oh crap! I should get a hold of our US Marshall detail they are probably freaking out that we have been either killed or kidnapped!”

“Madge, may I use your phone, I need to let some folks know where we are?”

"Oh, BURP, excuse me."

"Certainly dear, go right ahead.” replied Madge.

I called the senior Marshall, he answered on the first ring. “US Marshall Anderson, may I help you?”

“Anderson, It’s me Ned Fox, I saw a couple of gang bangers pull up at the motel and Jen and I took off!”

“Thank goodness. We thought you two were goners for sure. Where are you Ned?”

“We are at a house a few blocks from the motel, wait, let me get the address.” I said. “Madge what’s address here?

“235 West Elm dear,” replied Madge.

“Anderson, 235 West Elm!”

“Ok good Ned, Hey what are you two wearing, we found all of your clothes and everything in the room?”

I chuckled, “We barely have anything, just swimsuits and t-shirts, Anderson.”

“We checked out that car and the “gang bangers. Don’t worry they weren’t who you thought they were, but I am glad you were so careful. I think we should have you two lay low for a few weeks. Can you stay where you are?”

“We maybe able to. Can you and Marshall Combes come by and talk to our host, and bring our clothes?”

“Yeah we will be right there, Ned,” replied Anderson.

I told Madge that she was about to have more company. I explained to her what was really going on. She was adamant that we stay with her.

When Anderson and Combes arrived, they were taken aback by our appearance. They had noticed that we were gaining weight, but our present engorged state, plus being dressed only in bikinis revealed the true extend of our largesse.

They interviewed Madge, who insisted on them having something to eat. Anderson, was around my height, not as heavy as I am, especially now. Combes, is a female marshall, shorter than Jen, but thirty or forty (now) pounds lighter. She is known as the “aerobics nazi” at the office.

Madge’s food filled both of them up pretty well. Back in the car, Anderson said, “I think they will be safe there, I want to check with the local sheriff to be sure of Madge, but she seems genuine enough to me.”

Combes burped, “Excuse me, I have never eaten so much in my life, no wonder that woman is so huge, and did you see Ned and Jen, they looked like they were going to burst!”

Anderson chuckled, noticing Combes once flat belly now bloated. “Yeah they will be safe, but I think they both will be pretty fat, when Madge is done with them!”

He did not notice Combes un-buttoning her suit skirt and un-zipping it to free her bloated belly from the now tight material.

Anderson stopped at the sheriff’s office. Combes now struggling to stay awake, stayed in the car. The sheriff knew Madge quite well. His son had been a lineman on the football team when George had coached. He told Anderson about the team dinners, and how big the boys got with Madge’s rich food and George excellent coaching and training.

He said that Madge sometimes had some issues with the neighbor, mainly letting their kids eat too much at her house. Otherwise she was a good citizen and would take good care of Ned and Jen. He did wink at Anderson and say they maybe a good deal bigger when he comes back for them.

Anderson went back to the car to drive on to Denver and the local regional US Marshall office. When he got in the car he noticed how bloated his partner was. He thought, “Geze, if Madge can get the aerobics nazi to over eat and gain weight, what chance do Ned and Jen have!”

Now with our clothes, wallets, purse etc. we could get dressed. But Madge insisted that we have some desert first. Even though both of us still looked bloated, we were hungry again!

Madge fixed huge bowls of ice cream with rich sauces, nuts and whipped cream. Jen and I pigged out having two huge bowls each!

Madge showed us her guest room which was quite comfortable. We would share the bathroom with her, but that was no big deal, as we would soon see.

Jen and I un-packed, but neither one of us felt like getting dressed, our clothes just did not look inviting to us.

Jen, giggled suddenly. “Ned, what do you think of Madge?”

“She is really a sweet woman, Jen, why do you ask?” I replied.

“Open your eyes, Ned. I think she wants to fatten us up. Did you see the way she doted on Combes? I though she might start force feeding her if Anderson and us had not been there. She certainly doesn’t like skinny chicks!”

Jen came over to me and poked my bloated belly, “Ned, what do you think of her body, isn’t she the fattest woman you have ever seen?”

“Yeah babe she is a big girl, but I like the way she looks, where she carries her weight makes her look so womanly and round, the way her body moves when she waddles, I am amazed.”

Jen poked my gut harder. “Well big boy what if I got that big, would you still find me attractive, would I still turn you on?”

“Would you get that big, babe?” I answered.

Jen giggled, “Ned, if we eat everyday for the next six weeks, staying here, like we just did today, we are going to get so huge and fat!”

“Jen are you thinking what I am thinking?” I asked.

Jen started to giggle again this time playing with her bulging tummy. “Ned let’s do it! Let’s totally let go and let Madge stuff us to her hearts content, I don’t care how fat I get, I just want let go and enjoy myself!”

I started to think of both of us getting totally fat and huge, with massive bellies, huge bottoms and round fat thighs.

“Ned, judging from that bulge under your belly, I think you agree with me!” cried Jen.

“Oh babe this is going to be the best six weeks of our lives!” I said.

We waddled down the hall to help Madge clean up. She noticed how happy and silly we were. “My you two seem to be enjoying yourselves! I have to say what a handsome couple you make. Your cute little swimming things just take my breath away, especially yours Ned, your tummy looks so cute sticking out from underneath your t-shirt, dear.”

I chuckled and patted my belly. “Oh thank you Madge, I used to be concerned about letting this get too big, but I am really enjoying eating to much!”

Madge started to tear up. “You two are such a gift, I will just have to be sure I feed you enough to show you much it means to me to have you both staying with me. Now you two go in and sit on the couch, and rest those wonderful tummies of yours. I will bring in some nice rich treats for you to nibble on while we watch TV.”

Jen and I waddled into the living room and started to watch the TV. It was on the one of the cooking/food channels! Madge came in with a tray covered with cookies, brownies and other rich snacks, plus a large pitcher of cold, whole milk.

Madge joined us in her chair and within an hour, the tray and the pitcher were empty.

The three of us waddled down to the bedrooms. Madge used the bathroom and went to bed. Jen and I struggled out of our now nearly ruined bathing suits and pulled on our sleeping stuff, bikini cut underpants for me and a now very tight teddy outfit for Jen.

We marveled at our expanded tummies bumping each in the belly or bottom, watching each other’s fat and flab jiggle.

Madge woke us up really early, around six. “Ned and Jen, dears, I have a wonderful breakfast for you all ready!”

We were starving, our stomachs were so stretched out from last night gorge, we couldn’t wait to dig in.

Madge was true to her word, the breakfast was fantastic and so much of it. Jen and I gorged ourselves again, getting totally stuffed! My belly was taught and bulging over my underpants. I had pulled on an extra large t-shirt, it now rode up on my belly and I could hardly move, but it felt so great to be stuffed and full. Jen was even worse, her top on the teddy ripped she had eaten so much rich food, her belly ballooned out now well past her boobs.

Madge too had overeaten, but she was so used to eating until she was full she hardly noticed how full and stuffed she got. She was enthralled with our appearance.

“Oh Jen and Ned you two look so cute, your bellies are just amazing, I am so proud of you both eating all of my cooking, what a joy it is to have you with me!” Madge gushed. “You two go rest your wonderful bellies, while I clean up and get ready for our lunch!”

Lunch too was amazing not only in flavor, quality, but of course quantity, again by the end of the meal, we were distended! Dinner was just as wonderful and plenty of it too.

By the time we went to bed around ten. Jen and I could hardly keep our hands off each other, we were so bloated and round in way, way too tight underwear, we must have been quite a sight for Madge.

Within only a couple of days, nothing fit anymore! Not even our lowest cut bikini underpants for me or Jen’s low rise bikini panties. We were just getting so fat so fast, that we were literally eating our way out of our under wear and we LOVED IT!

Fortunately for us, Madge was a bit of pack rat. She had some of her husband’s old brief underpants and her own panties that Jen could get into. We now waddled around the house, from bedroom to table to TV, to table, bathroom, table and back to the bedroom dressed only in tightening underwear unable to contain our expanding bodies.

The three of us were in hog heaven! Madge loved to cook, eat and feed. Jen and I loved to eat and eat, watching our bellies and bottoms balloon out of our underwear.

But all good things must end. It had been nearly six weeks since Madge had rescued the nearly naked overweight couple from her alley. We needed to complete our entrance into the witness protection program.

I called deputy marshall Anderson to arrange for he and deputy Combes to come and get us.

“Deputy Anderson? This is Ned Fox, is it safe for us to move on or should we stay put awhile longer? I said over the phone.

“Ned, I think it is safe to move you and Jen to a permanent situation now. Is there anything you need for the trip?” said Anderson.

“We will need some clothes, I am afraid that both Jen and I have gained quite a lot of weight staying here.” I replied.

Anderson, thought to himself, “I thought they would get fat staying with that fat lady, she has probably been feeding them night and day.”

“What sizes do you need, Ned? Asked Anderson.

“Ah well I need triple XL shirts, size 55 waist pants, with a 31 inch inseam, Jen will need size 21 dress, a 46 B bra, 48 inch waist panties.” I said.

“Ned you two must be huge! How much did you eat up there!” cried Anderson.

I chuckled, “A lot!” I answered.

“Ok Ned, Combes and I will get you guys some clothes, try to slow down a bit, I want the stuff we buy to fit, OK. Responded Anderson. “I will see you both tomorrow.”

Anderson turned to Combes who sat in a cubicle behind him. “Deputy Combes, We are going to move Mr. and Mrs. Fox tomorrow, but they need new clothes, I was right she really fattened them up, listen to these sizes they now need!”

Combes could not believe how fat Jen and I were now, she could hardly wait to see us!

Deputies Anderson and Combes arrived around eleven thirty in the morning the next day, with bags of new clothes for us. It being the last day of our stay with Madge, she out did herself in the kitchen, by the time they got there Jen and I were nearly immobile we had eaten so much.

Anderson had thoughtfully brought one of his office’s Ford Excursions to carry the now greatly expanded witness and his ballooning wife to their new life.

When Anderson and Combes walked into the house, I thought Combes might faint, she blushed bright crimson and seemed to get light headed as she stared at Madge’s creations before her.

Jen and I were master pieces of over indulgence and gluttony. My belly stuck out so far in front of me I could not see my feet. My belly had become so large that I had trouble peeing standing up, I was so FAT! My thighs were now a big around as my former waist and my bottom or buttocks were the size of basketballs. Madge had found some of George’s old underpants which I was wearing having eaten my way out of anything I had before our stay at Madge’s.

Jen’s belly sagged down between her legs when she was sitting down, which was most of the time now. Walking or I should say waddling irritated her inner thighs rubbing together too much. Her bottom was now as large as Madge’s was when we first came to stay. She was wearing some of Madge’s panties, as she, like me, had eaten her way out of anything she had.

Anderson, just chuckled, “You two are quite a sight. Did you do anything but eat the entire time you were here! I can not believe how fat you now are!”

I patted my massive belly, sending it jiggling, “You are right, that is all we did is eat and sleep, letting Madge feed us to her heart’s content, and we could not be happier!”

Anderson gave us the clothes he had brought and Jen and I waddled down to the bedroom to change.

I did not notice, but Deputy Combes could not keep her eyes off us; she seemed really jittery and nervous.

Anderson asked, “You Ok? Combes, you seem a bit our of sorts.”

“Oh I’m fine, Anderson, thanks for asking, I, I seem to be a bit taken aback by how fast Ned and Jen have become so fat!” she stammered.

Madge piped up, “They’re not fat, just a little plumped up and a bit full from a nice big breakfast. Say, Deputy Combes, you are such a skinny little thing, why don’t you have a little breakfast or some pastries, after that long drive up from Denver?”

“Oh Madge I couldn’t, I have gained a little weight since we were up here six weeks ago, I really shouldn’t.” she replied, a bit sheepishly.

But Madge insisted. Anderson and Combes had sat down at the kitchen table to wait for us two fatties to struggle into our new clothes. Madge plopped down a plate full of pastries and donuts right in front of Combes. She blushed again, but took a bite or two, putting down a donut or pastry, but then just a few seconds later picking it up and having another bite.

By the time Jen and I had gotten cleaned up and dressed, Combes had finished the whole plate full!

We hugged Madge, who was crying now. Anderson and Combes picked up our bags, now very light with only toiletries in them, since done of our old clothes fit, no point in taking them with us.

We waddled out of the house and to the Excursion. In the process of getting into the big SUV, Combes’s hand sunk into my belly and love handles a couple of times helping me up. I could feel her shudder involuntarily when she touched me. I looked down at her from the high back seat, trying to keep my t-shirt from riding up on my massive belly. “Thanks for the help, we have really over done it, I am embarrassed at how fat Jen and I are now. I hope it doesn’t mess up the plans that Anderson has made for new identities.”

She blushed, “I think you two will be just fine, Ned, you should not be embarrassed either, you two needed to change your appearance, and gaining weight is a pretty good idea.”

I could not help noticing how bloated her belly was! The buttons of her blouse were now straining to contain her obviously very full tummy! Though she was still a slim woman, if you looked closely you could see that she was gaining judging by the way her once perfectly fitting outfits were now straining at the seams to contain her increasing girth!

Anderson and Combes climbed into the large SUV also. Anderson noticed that Combes had un-zipped her suit skirt to get up into the passenger’s seat, she was so bloated from all of Madge’s pastries she had indulged in.

Anderson, thought to himself, “Combes is really struggling with her weight since this encounter with Madge, I wonder if she would be interested in that under cover operation against those WLS clinic bombers? I think I will mention it to the Marshall when we get back to Denver, if she is going to gain weight and get fat, she might as well use the situation to her advantage and get paid for it too!”

The Excursion headed west toward the Utah state line and our new “situation”. Jen and I were to run a small trailer park down near Moab. Though the town is known for its healthy exercise based tourism, most of the people living in out park were retired mid-westerners looking for a warm climate, but with still a hint of winter. So many of them were less than svelte as we now were, we would not stand out.

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