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Well now I've gone and done it ^_^

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
Winston-Salem, NC
I think I copycatted Jon Blaze last night. :p

Wrote up a blog on myspace, linked it to facebook, and now I'm just waiting to see if anybody says anything.
"You're a feeder, yes?"

I got confronted by this question tonight, and it sparked some thoughts, so I just thought I'd clear up a few things, and I could send anybody here that is completely perplexed by the whole thing, or just is curious. (Skip down to the bottom if you just want the basics.)
My response, rather flippantly of course, was: "the idea is intriguing, yes. technically no, though, since a feeder requires a feedee".

Now anybody that's read my "who I'd like to meet" section on here (below the survey!) has probably already figured out that I do enjoy bigger girls (fat, if you will - remember that fat is not a four-letter word: it is a descriptive term that should be no more or no less offensive as "short", "tall", "thin", "skinny" or any other such term). [Please note that I use the terms "girl" and "woman" fairly interchangeably; apologies in advance if such a practice offends.]

So of course, my first thought was "hey, I'll make an AIM away message!" (This, of course, was before I had the better idea to write a blog.) Cue naafa.org (The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance homepage), where I found NAAFA's position on Fat Admirers:
The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance believes that a preference for a fat partner is as valid as any other preference based on physical characteristics, such as a particular height, eye color, or hair color. NAAFA also asserts that individuals who are attracted to a fat partner should be able to pursue, date, and make a commitment to a person of their size preference without fear of societal ridicule. Further, NAAFA believes that in a society where at least 55% of the population is considered fat, a preference for a fat partner is normal and should be encouraged rather than discouraged. NAAFA condemns the ridiculing and disqualification of fat people as desirable sexual partners as counterproductive and unfair.
That works for me. Trouble is, the most common responses I expect to such a declaration like "I LOVE FAT GIRLS" are things like "so if you like me, does that mean I'm fat?" or "so you don't like thin girls at all?"

My answer? No, no, a thousand times no. I explain it like this:
I have nothing against thin girls, no offense is intended; I still enjoy a beautiful girl, no matter her size, but I do enjoy a curvier/chubbier girl.

I am an FA (fat admirer), but I have no problem enjoying the company of women of any size: fat, skinny, or somewhere in between - for example, "average" or slim, with a bit of a soft tummy, can be just as attractive as big all over. [Please also note that just because I like fat women does not mean that every fat woman is someone I will like. I have beauty preferences, as do all of us, and "fat" does not immediately equal "gorgeous", although in many cases it is a very nice thing to see. :)]

What does this have to do with being a "feeder"?
Put simply, feederism is desiring or assisting one's partner to become fatter. I'm not going to lie: the thought of a slim, slender or thin girl going from that to chubby, from chubby to plump, from plump to fat, and from fat to even fatter (or from any stage upward) is a very sexy idea. However, it's not for everybody. Some women can approach and exceed 300 and 400 pounds with minimal health concerns, other people can become dangerously unhealthy at 200. The idea is to be happy, not to cause yourself or your partner physical distress for the sake of sexual expression.
A comparison: Consider men who like women with very large breasts; smaller framed women probably can't handle (for example) size 40E breasts without having serious problems - therefore it would be unfair of a friend, boyfriend or husband to insist on the woman getting implants to reach such a size, just as if it would be unfair on a feeder to insist that his partner, as feedee, grow to a certain size. Feederism should be something that's agreed on and done in partnership, with health, happiness and well-being first and foremost.

So what should you get from all this?
1) I am a FA (fat admirer), but that does not mean I cannot enjoy beautiful women of all sizes; indeed, I frequently do see beautiful women that cannot be classified by any rational mind as "fat".
2) I love the idea of feederism; fattening up a girlfriend is something I'd love to do, but only if she's equally as interested in the idea, and certainly nothing I would force someone into, through any means.
3) Fat is not, and should not be considered a hurtful term. I choose to see it as a descriptive term; no more or no less offensive than any other physical description.

I consider big to be beautiful. If you do not, that's absolutely your decision; what I don't want to hear are things like "eww, you like fat girls?" or anything remotely similar.
I love women who enjoy their food, I love women who aren't necessarily thin and toned, I love women with a big and/or soft belly, I love women who've gained the freshman 15 and never lost it, but most of all, where it comes to the fairer sex, I love beautiful women of all sizes.

Please do leave comments (even on Facebook, if you came here from there); if you feel this blog has in any way been vain, misogynistic, or even utterly astounding to you, please say so.

What do you think? Did I miss anything, did I get something wrong, is there anything I could have phrased better?

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