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Whale Wars!

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2006
Searched for a thread on this already, but the only one was on the deceased Hyde Park. So Ill start my own!

Any other fans of the show? LOVED last season and this new one is certainly interesting so far. Some new crew members, but there's still 1st Mate Peter Brown. That man annoys me beyond belief. :mad:

However, I do fully admit to having a nerd crush on 2nd Mate Peter Hammerstedt. He's willing to do anything to save whales (any animal, Im sure) and he's been directly involved with animal rights/welfare for a long time. And hes freakin adorable. :wubu:

I wish I had the courage and strength that these people do. I would do anything to be out there with them. Someday!

Oddly enough, whales scare me :blush: But I still dont think they should be hunted.

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