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What do you say to justify lying

Dimensions Magazine

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Mar 1, 2010
ok so I have started working on a new blog or article not sure wich yet it may end up being both anyway it got me thinking

Do you lie?

is a little white lie still a lie ?

what reasons/excuses have you heard or created to justify lying?

Is lying to protect or spare someones feelings helpful or more harmful in the long run?

would you preffer a charming lie to the brutal truth?

is honesty overated?

do you think that the saying that "the truth will set you free" is in fact in itself a lie or that it is indeed the truth

in your experience does the truth always seem to find its way out from behind a lie?

ok you get my point I mean I could probably think of quite a few more questions and this is not about judging or blaming or any of that kind of thing it really is just something I have been thinking about in recent times

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