~BBW, Eating, Romance, ~MWG - how a buxom high school beauty found joy in midlife
I was the first of my friends to get breasts. This accident made me an instant hit with the boys. It did not stop there, they just kept on filling out bra after bra right through school. I was the girl with, by the time I left school, with the 36DD cleavage that every lad went weak at the knees for when he caught a glimpse of my perky tits. There was also the fact I was about five foot seven, with long blond hair and big blue eyes.
I was not like other girls around who, if they had big breasts, it came with a big everything else. Well maybe my bottom was a bit big, but that helped to create a beautiful hourglass effect that all the other girl were envious of.
When I left and moved on to work things went on much as before and I basked in the glory of being everymans fantasy. I loved to party and be taken on flash dates, I was never short on offers. My weekends were all filled to brimming with offers of things to do and places to go.
I had always loved to eat but had been blessed with a metabolism that seemed to add what little weight I had put on mostly all to my breasts. So I never thought to curtail my eating as I set into the routine of working life. In the same way, I had done exercise at school but never much enjoyed the experience so as I left it fell by the way side as well.
I had just turned twenty and had been working in the office for a couple of years when I first started to realize that something was starting to go a bit wrong. I had already gone up a dress size not really thinking much of it but now these new clothes were getting a little constricting themselves. On inspection in the mirror, my 38E breasts still were the first thing that hit you about me, but there underneath my flat tummy had gone softer and stuck out just a little. Also all around my body had filled out a little and my face looked a little rounder. In the end I decided it was not too bad a look and bought a new set of clothes in my new size and promised my self this would be the last time I moved up a size.
The offers from men were far from drying up. After a brief spell trying to watch what I ate and a disastrous attempt at exercising, I soon got back in to the habit of enjoying what the world had to offer. Around this time rather than cutting my food intake I had started snacking while at work on a regular basis. A bag of crisps here, one of the lovely pastries from the canteen a little later and oh youve got muffins, do you mind? No, good mmm delicious.
Four years later I had spilt from a guy about two months before, who I had been going out with for the last year and a half. I had thought I had found the love of my life but then he broke my heart and went off with some scrawny little thing with almost no cleavage. I had been moping around for a couple of months but I was finally ready to get back out there. So I went out with a few friends from the office, I had a good time but found the men were no longer flocking to be at my side. I just could not figure what was wrong, looking down my cleavage was still there where it had always been.
On inspection the following morning in the bathroom mirror I got my answer. I barely recognized the woman standing before me. Yes the face was the same but it looked so much rounder than I had remembered. Moving down my breasts were bigger than Id seen them but they were no longer perky and had started to sag just a little. Next came the real shock. Where had that belly come from?
Well, it was definitely there not sticking out as far as my breast but it had certainly been closing the gap in double quick time. Then as I moved I saw how it rippled and folded and how my whole expanded body jiggled as I turned. Then there was my arse now in view, it had signs of cellulite and stuck out from behind me in much the same way my breasts and belly did at the front. It was clear what being comfortable in my relationship and gorging through its demise had done to my figure - it had exploded ever which way.
So started the first serious diet I had ever attempted. I was up to one hundred and ninety pounds the day it started, that was a gain of about fifty pounds since I had left school. In two month of torture, I lost fifteen pounds; I hated exercise and the swimming and jogging I had been doing was a living hell. As the snacks circulated around the office it was painful to pass on the cookies rather than waving over here.
Happier with my appearance in the mirror, though knowing I was still rather chubby I went back out with the girls from the office. I was pleased to note I was back to at least attracting the attention of some of the men if not anywhere near as many. On a second trip out the following week I managed to snag one of them and we were quickly an item. Soon I decided it was time to end the diet and just maintain the weight I was. It did not work however and within three months, although I would not step onto the scale, I knew I had put it all back on.
It was never the most romantic or loving of relationships. He seemed obsessed with my breast and although often bored by it all, I had a man to call my own and I knew how few suitors I was going to attract with my expanding body. We rumbled along for four years before we finally separated. It happened one morning as I wondered down to breakfast in just a pair of panties and as I approach the fridge he blurted out ..., how bloody fat are you going to get? A row ensued and he stormed off and I never bothered chasing him.
I had known four years in a loveless relationship had taken its toll on my body yet further but decided it was again time to take stock into quite how much. On inspection in the mirror I found it to be worse than I had even expected. My faces sharp feature were a thing of the past and had become so well rounded, it was accompanied by a prominent double chin. My breasts had now totally given into gravity and had come to rest on top of my belly.
They were certainly much bigger too, they had been spilling out of the 46FF bra, I had brought earlier in the year. Now gone were the days where my breast stuck out further than my belly, they were now more or less even. It was criss-crossed with little stretch marks and my belly button had become so deep. My legs had turned so thick and flabby, my behind was now so well cushioned and was riddled with cellulite and was spreading elsewhere. All in all it was hard to believe it was only ten years since I had left school.
I knew I could not struggle at another diet, there was just too many pounds to lose and I did not have the heart for it anyway. Also I was in no rush to find another man, I would not just take anyone this time, even if I could find someone anyway, which I was seriously doubting. So I set about enjoying the single life, I started hanging out with some of the other women at work at nights, be it for drinks, a trip to the cinema or out for a meal. Within a couple of months I found I was starting to really enjoy my new lifestyle and with that I was gradually not seeing my body as the root of all evil.
Life had rolled on another five years, having just passed my thirty-third birthday. I had gone along quite content with my lot, although sometimes the fact I had only had sex once in those five years and he freaked when he woke up sobered and discovered his conquest had been a fat bird. The weight had continued to creep up. A recent medical of all employees had to take showed me up to two hundred and sixty pounds, forty pounds more than I had been when I was dumped five years earlier. I was reasonable healthy but the doctor did not look too happy as she jotted down that number.
I was out on what had become a regular trip out to the local bars on a Thursday night with two fellow fat girls of the office. I was having a great time as I always did on these nights, when something which had become such a rarity happened, it took a long time for me to realize. This guy who was talking to me did not want to be just friendly he was actually chatting me up. We were getting on really well and he would not let me go with out arranging a date for the following night.
For the man who had all ready made my year by asking me out I made every effort not to disappoint him. I put on a bra that pushed my massive breast up and away from belly and bought a new dress that was quite low cut showing plenty of cleavage. He had chosen one of the best restaurants in town in my opinion; the portions were both delicious and plentiful.
When he arrived at the restaurant I noticed that he was actually really good looking and just my type. It was strange I did not notice it the first time, it probably had something to do with the shock of the whole thing. The meal went so well the conversation and the wine flowed all night long. The meal really hit the spot and I was making a real pig of my self, which I got the impression this guy found quite a turn on.
One thing leads to another and we were back at his place and a deep passion overcame us. It was a night like no other I had ever experienced, he made my whole body feel magical, and it was as if my curves were the most beautiful things in the world. He made me feel more special than I had ever felt with the mass admiration I had got in years gone by.
Well that was seven years ago now and that brings me to the here and now. I am forty, fat and never have been happier. In that time I have continued to see the love of my life, who treats me like a princess. During these seven years my weight with plenty of encouragement from that naughty husband of mine has soared to three hundred and thirty four pounds, I found as I stepped onto the industrial scale he insists I climb into at least once a week.
Food can be one of the greatest things in the world. There are so many new and exciting things to try even for me still. Of course then there are somethings that deserve constant appreciation, like a fresh batch of doughnuts and who better to try them all than me.
I might have the thick second chin on my oh so round face. My breasts are covered in stretch marks and fall to the sides of my belly looking for a space of their own to call home. It takes ages to squeeze them into one of my custom made bras, so much so I rarely bother anymore. My bottom is so well cushioned I can sit on a pointed rock and still feel comfortable. My legs are like tree trunks so much so that my thighs are now easily thicker than my waist when I left school.
My pride and joy however has to be my gargantuan belly that my hubby loves so much. I love the way it jiggles at just the slightest move I make. The way it ripples and folds into countless rolls every time I sit down. It has a beautiful criss-crossed pattern of stretch marks running right across it. It has formed into two parts, each of monumental portions, of lovely soft fat. It sags down covering all but a fraction of my womanhood, but where theres a will there is a way and the sex is better than it has ever been.
I would not have it any other way now. I never knew it before. but fat is indeed where its at.
What Happened
by The Owl
by The Owl
I was the first of my friends to get breasts. This accident made me an instant hit with the boys. It did not stop there, they just kept on filling out bra after bra right through school. I was the girl with, by the time I left school, with the 36DD cleavage that every lad went weak at the knees for when he caught a glimpse of my perky tits. There was also the fact I was about five foot seven, with long blond hair and big blue eyes.
I was not like other girls around who, if they had big breasts, it came with a big everything else. Well maybe my bottom was a bit big, but that helped to create a beautiful hourglass effect that all the other girl were envious of.
When I left and moved on to work things went on much as before and I basked in the glory of being everymans fantasy. I loved to party and be taken on flash dates, I was never short on offers. My weekends were all filled to brimming with offers of things to do and places to go.
I had always loved to eat but had been blessed with a metabolism that seemed to add what little weight I had put on mostly all to my breasts. So I never thought to curtail my eating as I set into the routine of working life. In the same way, I had done exercise at school but never much enjoyed the experience so as I left it fell by the way side as well.
I had just turned twenty and had been working in the office for a couple of years when I first started to realize that something was starting to go a bit wrong. I had already gone up a dress size not really thinking much of it but now these new clothes were getting a little constricting themselves. On inspection in the mirror, my 38E breasts still were the first thing that hit you about me, but there underneath my flat tummy had gone softer and stuck out just a little. Also all around my body had filled out a little and my face looked a little rounder. In the end I decided it was not too bad a look and bought a new set of clothes in my new size and promised my self this would be the last time I moved up a size.
The offers from men were far from drying up. After a brief spell trying to watch what I ate and a disastrous attempt at exercising, I soon got back in to the habit of enjoying what the world had to offer. Around this time rather than cutting my food intake I had started snacking while at work on a regular basis. A bag of crisps here, one of the lovely pastries from the canteen a little later and oh youve got muffins, do you mind? No, good mmm delicious.
Four years later I had spilt from a guy about two months before, who I had been going out with for the last year and a half. I had thought I had found the love of my life but then he broke my heart and went off with some scrawny little thing with almost no cleavage. I had been moping around for a couple of months but I was finally ready to get back out there. So I went out with a few friends from the office, I had a good time but found the men were no longer flocking to be at my side. I just could not figure what was wrong, looking down my cleavage was still there where it had always been.
On inspection the following morning in the bathroom mirror I got my answer. I barely recognized the woman standing before me. Yes the face was the same but it looked so much rounder than I had remembered. Moving down my breasts were bigger than Id seen them but they were no longer perky and had started to sag just a little. Next came the real shock. Where had that belly come from?
Well, it was definitely there not sticking out as far as my breast but it had certainly been closing the gap in double quick time. Then as I moved I saw how it rippled and folded and how my whole expanded body jiggled as I turned. Then there was my arse now in view, it had signs of cellulite and stuck out from behind me in much the same way my breasts and belly did at the front. It was clear what being comfortable in my relationship and gorging through its demise had done to my figure - it had exploded ever which way.
So started the first serious diet I had ever attempted. I was up to one hundred and ninety pounds the day it started, that was a gain of about fifty pounds since I had left school. In two month of torture, I lost fifteen pounds; I hated exercise and the swimming and jogging I had been doing was a living hell. As the snacks circulated around the office it was painful to pass on the cookies rather than waving over here.
Happier with my appearance in the mirror, though knowing I was still rather chubby I went back out with the girls from the office. I was pleased to note I was back to at least attracting the attention of some of the men if not anywhere near as many. On a second trip out the following week I managed to snag one of them and we were quickly an item. Soon I decided it was time to end the diet and just maintain the weight I was. It did not work however and within three months, although I would not step onto the scale, I knew I had put it all back on.
It was never the most romantic or loving of relationships. He seemed obsessed with my breast and although often bored by it all, I had a man to call my own and I knew how few suitors I was going to attract with my expanding body. We rumbled along for four years before we finally separated. It happened one morning as I wondered down to breakfast in just a pair of panties and as I approach the fridge he blurted out ..., how bloody fat are you going to get? A row ensued and he stormed off and I never bothered chasing him.
I had known four years in a loveless relationship had taken its toll on my body yet further but decided it was again time to take stock into quite how much. On inspection in the mirror I found it to be worse than I had even expected. My faces sharp feature were a thing of the past and had become so well rounded, it was accompanied by a prominent double chin. My breasts had now totally given into gravity and had come to rest on top of my belly.
They were certainly much bigger too, they had been spilling out of the 46FF bra, I had brought earlier in the year. Now gone were the days where my breast stuck out further than my belly, they were now more or less even. It was criss-crossed with little stretch marks and my belly button had become so deep. My legs had turned so thick and flabby, my behind was now so well cushioned and was riddled with cellulite and was spreading elsewhere. All in all it was hard to believe it was only ten years since I had left school.
I knew I could not struggle at another diet, there was just too many pounds to lose and I did not have the heart for it anyway. Also I was in no rush to find another man, I would not just take anyone this time, even if I could find someone anyway, which I was seriously doubting. So I set about enjoying the single life, I started hanging out with some of the other women at work at nights, be it for drinks, a trip to the cinema or out for a meal. Within a couple of months I found I was starting to really enjoy my new lifestyle and with that I was gradually not seeing my body as the root of all evil.
Life had rolled on another five years, having just passed my thirty-third birthday. I had gone along quite content with my lot, although sometimes the fact I had only had sex once in those five years and he freaked when he woke up sobered and discovered his conquest had been a fat bird. The weight had continued to creep up. A recent medical of all employees had to take showed me up to two hundred and sixty pounds, forty pounds more than I had been when I was dumped five years earlier. I was reasonable healthy but the doctor did not look too happy as she jotted down that number.
I was out on what had become a regular trip out to the local bars on a Thursday night with two fellow fat girls of the office. I was having a great time as I always did on these nights, when something which had become such a rarity happened, it took a long time for me to realize. This guy who was talking to me did not want to be just friendly he was actually chatting me up. We were getting on really well and he would not let me go with out arranging a date for the following night.
For the man who had all ready made my year by asking me out I made every effort not to disappoint him. I put on a bra that pushed my massive breast up and away from belly and bought a new dress that was quite low cut showing plenty of cleavage. He had chosen one of the best restaurants in town in my opinion; the portions were both delicious and plentiful.
When he arrived at the restaurant I noticed that he was actually really good looking and just my type. It was strange I did not notice it the first time, it probably had something to do with the shock of the whole thing. The meal went so well the conversation and the wine flowed all night long. The meal really hit the spot and I was making a real pig of my self, which I got the impression this guy found quite a turn on.
One thing leads to another and we were back at his place and a deep passion overcame us. It was a night like no other I had ever experienced, he made my whole body feel magical, and it was as if my curves were the most beautiful things in the world. He made me feel more special than I had ever felt with the mass admiration I had got in years gone by.
Well that was seven years ago now and that brings me to the here and now. I am forty, fat and never have been happier. In that time I have continued to see the love of my life, who treats me like a princess. During these seven years my weight with plenty of encouragement from that naughty husband of mine has soared to three hundred and thirty four pounds, I found as I stepped onto the industrial scale he insists I climb into at least once a week.
Food can be one of the greatest things in the world. There are so many new and exciting things to try even for me still. Of course then there are somethings that deserve constant appreciation, like a fresh batch of doughnuts and who better to try them all than me.
I might have the thick second chin on my oh so round face. My breasts are covered in stretch marks and fall to the sides of my belly looking for a space of their own to call home. It takes ages to squeeze them into one of my custom made bras, so much so I rarely bother anymore. My bottom is so well cushioned I can sit on a pointed rock and still feel comfortable. My legs are like tree trunks so much so that my thighs are now easily thicker than my waist when I left school.
My pride and joy however has to be my gargantuan belly that my hubby loves so much. I love the way it jiggles at just the slightest move I make. The way it ripples and folds into countless rolls every time I sit down. It has a beautiful criss-crossed pattern of stretch marks running right across it. It has formed into two parts, each of monumental portions, of lovely soft fat. It sags down covering all but a fraction of my womanhood, but where theres a will there is a way and the sex is better than it has ever been.
I would not have it any other way now. I never knew it before. but fat is indeed where its at.