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What is beauty?

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2007
Okay, this is pissing me off. People automatically assume when I'm chatting with them that if I say, "She's okay", "She's not attractive", or God forbid "She's ugly" when they so me a picture of some random web-model, big girl, bbw, or ssbbw, that suddenly it makes it so I'm not a fat admirer, and they go on and on about what the fuck am I thinking, where the hell do I get off portraying their 'type', and whatever the hell else they seem to be pissed about when it comes to someone who doesn't like a woman they do.

I've gotten that from FAs, feeders, feedees, foodies, bbws, ssbbws, bhm, and whatever other abreviation you can think of. I'm not liked in this community because I speak my mind, be it right or wrong in someone else's view point. I don't type these freakin' things to someone expecting praise, admiration, PMs, or any bullshit like that. I catch flack for all sorts of things, be it because I'm not liberal enough, not conservative enough, not intelligent enough, too brazen, too eccentric, bluntly honest, tactless, picky, mean, sadistic, and down right rude at times.

But, you know what FAs and FFAs out there who think fat is universally beautiful...this is for you!!!:mad:

Apparently you can't get it through your thick ass shaped skull that sometimes people enjoy something different. Perception isn't always your own. I like a wide variety of girls, and it isn't just dependent on whether she is fat or not. She may be the most beautiful person in the world when you get to know her, but you know what...I don't know her...I've never met her...and for all I know, she could be the most heniously evil bitch on the face of the planet!

Show me a picture of some girl you happen to know, or your girlfriend, or whatever else you decide you want to show me because I happen to be a fat admirer, and you'll get what's coming to you. If I think she's pretty, I'll say so. If I think she's gorgeous, I'll say so. If I think she's damn ugly...I'm gonna fraking say so! I'm not going to lie to you and say, "Yeah she is amazing". It may make me a tactless SOB, but you know what, I'd rather be tactless than lie to you about my opinion on what I like, and what I enjoy.

Just because a girl is fat, doesn't mean she's beautiful. Her looks also don't indicate she's a great person. There are a variety of personalities to go with that variety of BBWs out there, an infinite number in fact. There are nearly 4 billion women on this planet. And each one is different. Just because you say one is amazing doesn't mean she is. She could be a rotten, ugly, nasty bitch in my eyes, and I'll damn well tell you! Just like if someone is talking about me from knowing me off the internet, they'd say, "This guy is an asshole, a real jackass. He is a real player, total jerk" etc etc etc.

Is this who I really am? Who knows, because they don't care about the real picture. But unlike them, I'm going to tell you up front if I don't like something, instead of listening intently, and pretending it all matters, then later kicking you in the nuts, telling you to go frak yourself because some other person says that they hear such and such, thus making talking to you not worth their time. What a fraking hoax!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and if you can't agree to that, then you're a frakin' idiot. Sure I can see through another person's eyes. But what the hell makes you think I want to? Is that shallow? Sure! Is that conceded? Not at all. You know why, because it is my damned life, and it will be lived the way I want it to be. My motivation, my ambition, my drive behind it. I will not listen to some loser trying to prove their like of fat women by showing pictures of them to provide me with evidence, like I care. I also won't take bull from some other guy or girl trying to use that weak evidence to prove I don't like fat women!

I even used to be like you said people, back when I was all of 15-17! I'm tired of it. Get your head on straight. When you're talking to someone, ANYONE, just because they may think a particular BBW or BHM is ugly, unattractive, or just not their type, don't start at them about how you think this, and you think that, and that they aren't an FA or an FFA because of this. Bite your stupid little tongue! Because everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether they are rude about it, or not is up to them.

The same goes for politics, economics, and whatever else! You know why, because there are 7+ billion people on this freakin' planet, and not a single one has the EXACT same opinion, nor do they express it the exact same way. So just because I like all kinds of women, tall, short, thick, thin, or whatever else may vary, I like them because I find them beautiful. Not because you do, not because everyone says I should, but because in my opinion they are.


/end rant
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