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LOVE, ROMANCE, FRIENDSHIP, PEN-PALS, WHATEVER.... Everyone is looking for something or someone here on the internet and in everyday life.

There is someone out there for everyone, be they Able, Disabled, Black, White, Big or Small. We keep looking and it is a long journey but at the journey's end there are the 6 C's of the perfect Romance and/or Friendship.... Compatability, Companionship, Communication, Committment, Chemestry and Courage!

We Big people work harder at this than many other's and I don't know why.... Is it because we deserve the very best or is it because we wish we did ?

Be who and what you are! You are a special person as is every one. You must keep in mind that what one person calls needy another person calls being close. It's never too late to do ordinary things in an extraordinary way. Take the time to wish upon a star and don't ever forget.... for even a day.... how very special you are.

What is it exactly you are searching for in your life or what kind of relationship would you like to be in to make you feel more complete?

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