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What is up with Louise Wolf.

Dimensions Magazine

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Russell Williams

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2006
Some people have been asking.

Louise is home and suffering from severe cabin fever. Yes she has had a difficult time the last nine months or so. From the time she was born until May of 2009 Louise never spent the night in a hospital. She has been making up for lost time. I do not remember how much I have told you in the past. First it was the pain in her side. This led to the discovery of a kidney stone. This led to the discovery of an enlarged ovary. This led to the discovery of enlarged uterus. This led to the discovery of uterine cancer. This led to surgery being scheduled for the end of August. The surgery was postponed due to a heart attack in the middle of August. Four stents were placed in her heart. In early September Louise wound up in a nursing home for about 10 days. In October there was the placing of Louise on a drug which was, in many people, effective in reducing the size of uterine cancer and in causing rapid weight gain. In November there was the discovery of enlarged lymph nodes near the uterus. In December there was the discovery of a very, very, bad kidney infection. Blood pressure of 60/40. There was the taking of radioactive material to see if the lymph nodes lit up. Fortunately they did not. In January there was the decision to do another D. and C. to find out what has been happening to the uterine lining. In early February this procedure took place at Johns Hopkins. The results are not yet back. If the results are good the hysterectomy will occur in July. If the results are not good the hysterectomy will probably occur in March. Meanwhile, during all of this time, the arthritic hip of Louise has been becoming more and more painful and Louise depends more and more on her walker. Then we had the great snowstorms and Louise plans not to leave the house until there a few days above 40° to do what salt and shoveling have not yet been able to do for the walkway to the car.

Other than that Louise has had a pretty good year. We made the Dimensions Bash and the NAAFA convention. In the summer we had a lovely committment ceremony that several long time friends and NAAFA members attended. Louise just pointed out that the highlight of the year was December 31 which we see as better than December 3. On December 3rd I was finally divorced from Deleen (Louise was too sick to go to court. She had said that she would only miss the hearing if she was on her death bed and had I not gotten her to the emergency room as soon as I got back from the hearing she would have been on her death bed. (Remember BP 60/40)) and on December 31, after so many years, Louise and I married each other. Our honeymoon consisted of going to the DC NAAFA New Year’s Eve party and dance. Those of you who know her know what a wonderful person she is.

Louise and I both hope that your 2009 was a lot better than Louise’s 2009.

Yours truly,
Russell Williams and Louise Wolf.