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What kind of people do you work with?

Dimensions Magazine

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Jersey Irish BBW
Aug 19, 2006
I work with a crazy mix of people. In my job with my current position, I spend about 1/2 time in meetings, and the other 1/2 in the lab. The lab is a mockup of a navy ship's control center, with the consoles and displays like on a ship. I work with engineers, some of whom are very serious and precise at all times, and others who are just warped. The warped ones will do things like wait for one of the serious ones to forget to lock their computer, then will jump on and send politically incorrect e-mails out to the rest of the group. They also have started a wall of shame where they post a sticky with details whenever someone does anything stupid or embarrasing, which gets some others really upset. I also work with sailors who are crude and irreverant, but snap tall and proud and straight anytime one of the commanders come in the room. I also sit in meetings with high level managers who are strung so tight and get all worked about things and expect me to, when I really just want to slap them. The mix of people make every day an adventure. Sometimes without thinking I am with one of the groups I get mixed up and find myself acting like the other group, like my recent screw-up of telling a big wig to 'chill out dude' which did not go over well.

What kind of people do you work with, and how does it affect you?

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