Just curious if anyone here likes designer brands like D&G , Chanel , Prada.
Sometimes you can find a Chanel in a larger size, but hardly any fashion houses make plus sized clothes. I can buy bags and shoes, but no more suits and stuff. The plus sized clothing industry makes cheap low quality clothes and charges quite a bit for poorly constructed clothing. I have gained weight and it really bothers me I cant wear luxury brand clothing anymore. My shoes and bags will rock, but my clothes will not. Any suggestions for nice clothes? I went to Neiman Marcus and everything looks like tent shaped. Very sad that either I find cheep feeling synthetic pants or large tent dresses. I was starting to feel ok with my weight gain, but I can no longer wear the brands that I loved as the largest is a 12
Sometimes you can find a Chanel in a larger size, but hardly any fashion houses make plus sized clothes. I can buy bags and shoes, but no more suits and stuff. The plus sized clothing industry makes cheap low quality clothes and charges quite a bit for poorly constructed clothing. I have gained weight and it really bothers me I cant wear luxury brand clothing anymore. My shoes and bags will rock, but my clothes will not. Any suggestions for nice clothes? I went to Neiman Marcus and everything looks like tent shaped. Very sad that either I find cheep feeling synthetic pants or large tent dresses. I was starting to feel ok with my weight gain, but I can no longer wear the brands that I loved as the largest is a 12