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what to take up as a topic and what not to take up!!??

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Active Member
Feb 5, 2006
Hi! I post on this board sometimes...and I am a frequent reader..and I get very confused at times...!?
Is this a board for people who enjoy weightgain or is it som kind of meeting place for all bbw´s ssbbws and FA´s or something completely different??

I feel that many on this board are very judgemental (which i feel is strange because many of us has been judged by our size or our preference for partners of size by the society)
I have noticed that some topics that (almost always an FA or Feeder ) brings up are jumped on, and the topicstarter are to be concidered a perv (or something in the neighbourhood of that)..

I think many have to understand that there are many sides to this genre of FAism (new word??) that weightgain is!!!
someone thinks a certain aspect of a bbws body is very sexy and wants to know or see something about that from the persons on this board!!

And I think that they have their full right to do so!!
!!! and even if some subjects are to no interest to me, or are to my liking I dont feel the urge to comment that and/or put down the person who wrote it!!
my tactic is:just dont comment on the subject!!

you might say that some are so insulting of the female form.
well sometimes the question was perhaps not intended as an insult!??
but poorly formulated!!!
and If you dont concur with the way the question is put forward..just dont answer!!

I feel it is wrong to be so Judgemental about certain subjects!!! and it definately stops people who are interested in the subject mentioned in a thread to reply on a post!!!

And more often than not the subjects get twisted into something completly different than the original poster intended...

Well thats my feeling about things...


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