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What would it have been like?

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Chunk Admirer

Feb 26, 2007
First off, I'm new to the forums here. I've lurked around for quite some time, but never posted until now. I was reading a different thread about what do FAs dream about, which got me thinking about myself and led me to create this thread.

Anyways, back to the topic. I started thinking about my own journey through my high school years of my realization of my preference for the larger female. However, as unfortunate as it is, back then I was too young/immature (or whatever adjective you want to use) to fully accept my preference and live my life accordingly. In fact, it wasn't until an experience I had back in 2000 that caused me to have an epiphany....that "ah ha!" moment...the time at which I became true to myself and accept my preferences for what they are.

The other thread I referenced was geared towards what FAs dream about. I wanted to take that a step further and discuss what do FAs day-dream about. Ever since my turning point in 2000, there have been countless times where I have daydreamed what life would have been like had I accepted who I am from the beginning?

For example, there was this one girl in high school who I was always attracted to (and who was attracted to me)...but I never did anything about it because of all the cliche excuses: afraid of what everyone else would think about me dating a fat girl and so on (everyone already knows all the excuses). So I often day dream about what it would have been like had I dated her? Would we still be together? Would she still be fat, or have lost weight, or gained? How much would I have enjoyed the erotic side of the relationship? Would I have helped her gain? Would she have liked me trying to get her to gain?

More recently than high school, there was a girl I worked with (indirectly) a few years after college. She was basically the secretary in the area I was working in. She was absolutely stunning...bright and bubbly personality, great long flowing blond hair, and she must have been at least 250 lbs it not more (because she was taller than the average girl). I was smitten with her. But this was before that epiphany I had, so I was dumb and never pursued it for fear of what everyone else would think. (I know, dumb excuse, but you know what they say - hindsight is 20/20.)

Anyways, I often dream about this girl, especially the time we had met up to go biking one Friday afternoon. At the time, I was big into mountain biking, so I was all up for it when she suggested we meet at the local park to hit the trails. But the biking was too much for her and it ended quickly, but just as quickly we retired back to her house (actually she still lived at home) where she suggested we go to the hot tub that was outside. We spent about 4 or 5 hours in that hot tub that night, drinking and having a ball....the whole time I was thinking about how wonderful it would be to explore her luscious curves. Man, was I so stupid for not doing just that! Again, hind sight is 20/20. Why couldn't I have had that epiphany in like 4th grade or something??? Every now and then, I catch myself day dreaming about that night and what would it have been like had I been my true FA? I replay the night's events through my mind, but I change them to suit my 'what if' fantasy. Like, when we went to the hot tub and she had her one-piece suit on, I would ask why she's hiding her body and suggest she find a bikini (or something like that). I won't get into any riskier details at this point, but I think you all get the gist of what I'm talking about.

So, I just wanted to start a discussion about if anyone else has ever thought, "what would it have been like if....."?

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