If you had the chance to do the reverse of the "news stories" where the girl gets to wear that fat suit and experiene what we as fat people do each day? If some fat fairy stood at the end of your bed and said I can make you skinny for a week would you try it out? Why or why not?
I think I would just to see what it would be like. Having bee fat myentire life I have no "thin" frame of reference I am a fat person inside and out. However it would be cool to see what having a smaller body would be like for a shot period of time. I think I would miss the softness though
I think I would just to see what it would be like. Having bee fat myentire life I have no "thin" frame of reference I am a fat person inside and out. However it would be cool to see what having a smaller body would be like for a shot period of time. I think I would miss the softness though