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when you went from being pinocchio to being a real boy/man

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
i was very impressed today when i read a post in Raqui's thread about vegas bash memories by T-Devil. he was talking about his transition from basically being a fat fan into being --basically himself...


"I only attended 2 fnctions of the bash this year. I stayed with friends I met at the bash LAST year instead of staying at the hotel. By doing this, I have changed as a person, forever.

"Before Vegas this year, I was merely content in being an FA and a fanboy of BBW webmodels. I'd talk to a couple, put them on my friends list and that was that. But after this year, I think I've become more. I want to be more than just a fanboy. I want to do something. I want to BE someone useful. I want to help those I can in anyway that I can, especially those that helped me realize all of my potential.

I am discovering things about myself that I only took for granted or was slightly amused by. The most profound of these being my writing. The more I do it, the more impassioned I become with it. I'm learning how powerful one persons opinion can be, and how moving their inspirtaion is. I'm learning there is a higher price to be paid in life with silence than there is in having a voice.

I'm realizing that I was given a gift by whoever crafted my soul and gave me my talents. I am using my lifetime of determination to focus and become what I want to be... someone useful to a cause that is large than himself.

All I have to offer is what I write, so I better make it count. Thanks to Vegas this year, I have that last thing that I was lacking, confidence."

_for some reason i had kind of thought if a guy was just a fat fan that he would just always kind of be that. i know that doesn't make sense but i realize now that its a process. for those of you who have made it , can you remember what triggered your growth from being a fan to being more? what was the moment for you?

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