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Where were all the BBW's when...

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
...I was a teenager?
Looking back at those years, growing up in a rural part of Germany there literally weren't any BBW's around where I lived. If there had been one I can only hope I would have been confident enough to ask her out and screw the teenage peer group bs :rolleyes: this way, we'll never know lol.
So then I spent a year in the US when I was 16 - Wow, America, land of plenty - naturally, to me that included plenty BBW's. What happened? I ended up in rural northern PA at a very small high school. I remember there being 3 girls I would have considered BBW's at my school. Two were taken, one really wasn't my type...gothic, including cuts at her arms, doing too many drugs etc...
When I returned to Germany I graduated two years later. I'm pretty sure there wasn't one girl in my class, consisting of close to 100 students, that was over 200 lbs. It was only via the internet that I talked to and eventually got to know some BBW's...

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