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whither the Weight Board?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
Judging from Ann Marie's last post, it sounds like changes are already in the works, so ultimately this post may be moot.

While there may be no such thing as a “safe haven”, these Boards are the closest thing to it when it comes to the matters discussed here. The unfortunate reality is the “fat is beautiful/pleasurable” concept is still so far removed from “mainstream” society that there are extremely few forums where this can be discussed without being ridiculed. Thankfully Conrad, Ann Marie, Heather and others have given us a forum to express ourselves, and for this we should all be very grateful.

We are here because most of us find fat to be esthetically attractive in others, in ourselves, or both, and wish to discuss this in a forum that is not abusive or threatening. However, like any topic, there is a wide range of opinion and inevitably some disagreement. My understanding of the Weight Board is that it is devoted to weight gain fantasies, realized or unrealized, and related topics. Some desire to gain weight themselves or actively assist in a partner’s gain. Preferences range from encouraging a partner, to actively assisting, to tube feeding, force-feeding or other more extreme methods. Some strive for themselves or their partner to gain a moderate amount of weight; some strive to become super-sized and beyond. The point is there is a wide range of opinion, and this forum serves a place to express it.

How many people thought they were alone or even crazy in finding fat attractive, then discovered Dimensions and realized they were not alone? (and certainly not crazy!) Many new posters arrive here with some trepidation, and for the most part have been welcomed, reassured and valued by the community. But if they are met with a flip reply, however innocently intended, they may feel demeaned, and I feel confident that’s the last thing this community intended.

There is a good deal of witty banter on these boards that is amusing and has its place. However when someone new posts for the first time, we have to understand that took a certain amount of risk and courage on their part and we need to keep that in mind when we respond.

Finally- we need to understand as participants in the Board we are free to ignore anything we find offensive or disagreeable. Most people post something inflammatory hoping to generate a reaction. If they get none, they usually move on. As long as things don’t become personalized, the discussion should be uncensored and freewheeling. Nearly everyone has encountered topics here that have made them a bit uncomfortable (I find tube feeding very disconcerting) but if others are turned on by it and want to discuss it, that’s their prerogative. The rest of us can move on to other threads.

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