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Why are you a foodee?

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No fat no flavor
Sep 29, 2005
After posting tonight what a mediocre cook my mother was, I was asked how it was that I became a foodee. Here is what I think:

I have been fat all my life. And growing up, my Mom gave me a very hard time about what I ate. Food was the ultimate forbidden fruit. (Except I was allowed to eat fruit. :p)

I can still hear her voice ringing in my ears as I reached for a second helping, "Do you really need that??"

If I wanted candy or snack cakes or any kind of junk food I had to buy it myself, and sneak it into the house. And I would often raid my mother's candy stashes. As you can imagine - food became larger than life.

I think that's why I became a foodee. Food was withheld. Food was naughty. Food was precious. How could I not fall in love with it?

Does that make sense?

Why are you a foodee?

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