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Why would men marry / co-habit? Restraining orders (2ndAmndt)/ Alimony & lifewreck.

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Exile from Main Board
Dec 26, 2007
So; I've spent lots of my life thinking about, looking for, seeking and putting into practice ways to increase my own freedom / decrease the power of anyone else over me. Mainly so that I can enjoy an adventurous and interesting life.
Which is a big part of why I'll soon be leaving the UK...

One of the subjects that I've given a lot of thought to is the whole marriage / co-habiting / kids or not complex of questions...
I did co-habit with my first LTR gf for 3 years, but haven't co-habited since that experience...
And I'm a diligent user of condoms!:p:D

My view on marriage / kids is more or less summed up by:
Husband = he-who-is-bound.

Under US / UK law, if I were to marry and /or have kids, my wife / baby-momma would then have the power to:
cut me off from my child / children at any time.
render me penniless
and homeless
and contractually servile through gov't enforcement
with various options on imprisonment (see also below)
....at her whim (depending).

Those sanctions would certainly endure until the age of majority of any kids... Furthermore, in the USA divorce goes hand in glove with a restraining order - which in almost all states nukes your 2nd Amendment rights! So you must get rid of ALL your firearms, or go to jail for a felony!
As restraining orders are:
- incredibly easy to get in the US and
- are issued without due process or the restrainees a-priori knowledge, and
- operate on a guilty-until-proven-innocent basis
that seems to me to be an enormous hole in the whole freedom, rights and self-defence thing, eh?

See also:
And especially this, about the crazy lady who got a restraining order against David Letterman, EVEN THOUGH SHE HAD NEVER MET OR SPOKEN TO HIM!:eek:

No matter how much I love someone, why would I give them such enormous power OVER me???:confused:
As far as I can see, I'd basically be signing my life over to her. That doesn't say sharing and equality to me.
More, indentured servitude.

The sad thing is that I'm sure I could quite happily co-habit and maybe even raise kids with the right woman / women* (if I ever find a country / place fit to raise kids in), and I have no problem with being responsible for my offspring (I already played a big part in rasing one kid to be a decent adult)... but I just don't want to sign away my rights to, ooooh, pretty much everything... :shrugs:

Your thoughts, feelings and flames on this subject, Hyde Park?
Don't hold back now.:p:D

(*dream that polyamorous dream :p :D)

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