Hi Men and Women of Dimm's. I've seen some disturbing videos on You Tube regarding serious fire hazards associated with old Federal Pacific Stab-Loc circuit breakers and panels. You could have such equipment if you own an older home. Connections in your electric panel may work loose over the years, regardless of the panel's manufacturer. It is wise to have your panel inspected every few years. If your lights flicker or dim heavily when an air conditioner starts, that could be a warning of danger. If you're not sure about your panel, be safe and have it inspected by a competent electrician. Take care, Guys, and be safe.
You Tube Video, FPE Dangers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf-owUKXljw&NR=1
View attachment FPE-01-LG panel, burned wb sm.jpg
You Tube Video, FPE Dangers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf-owUKXljw&NR=1
View attachment FPE-01-LG panel, burned wb sm.jpg