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Witness protection

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New Member
Sep 13, 2010
Hi This is my first attempt at a fiction story, it isn't that long but feedback would be appreciated. It contains smoking and weight gain (SWG, gentle sex, smoking)

At last the jury had come back in and given the only verdict possible.

The trial had had a terrible effect on Lorna, The former lover of the biggest drug dealer the UK had seen in decades, and her testimony had proven crucial to the Crown Prosecution Service case, so much so that despite Arun being convicted along with ten of his closest henchmen he had working with him, Lorna was going to be hunted for the rest of her life, the Police and Special branch had her in protective custody but that was now to be scaled down and she was to enter the witness relocation programme.
Lorna was 5'6" tall with long perfect blond hair a very slender 34 24 35 figure and weighed in at 115 lbs. The Police were especially concerned for her safety as she was such a high profile woman at 30, one of the most beautiful and glamourous "it" girls on the London scene and she enjoyed the life she had had. The clothes the social scene the money seeing her face in magazines, all of it lead to a new and significant problem.
Due to the profile of the case, it was felt that as a matter of life and death she undergo facial surgery and alter her appearance as much as possible if she were to survive.
Firstly, Lorna had her porcelain veneers removed and a set of more normal teeth set with a slight bucktooth overbite and protruding upper jaw-line, the tone was darker and instead of veneer's these were full crowns, she wept at her new smile, as the teeth felt so much larger and uglier to her, as her old one had cost over £20,000.00 to complete, she had had her nose reshaped and it too was larger and more full with more of a pronounced hook, as was her chin which had had a small implant to create a tiny centre dimple effect. The face looking back at her was ugly and to a vain woman a dreadful shock.
The most upsetting feature of the surgery by far was to have laser eye surgery to create a defect in her perfect vision, she was forbidden contact lenses naturally, and was prescribed a set of glasses, ones she now needed for any reading as well as driving and indeed full time daily use, the frames she had chosen were elegant but highly unusual to this woman who had been so demanding over her appearance, she even found applying makeup required her to wear them if she wanted a decent outcome. This new feature was by far the most traumatic acceptance for her, but it did distract from who she had been and would be essential for any normality in her life now.

Her waist long perfect platinum blond hair was next for alteration, cut shorter to the shoulder then dyed mousy brown and placed in a ringlet perm, but despite all of this it still was just barely recognizable as Lorna who could be seen if you had known her well though.
Lorna was a very staunch non-smoker and well documented as such, and it was strongly advised she take up the habit as a disguise as it was one aspect that would truly begin to distance her from her old self. As Sandra Watson, she very reluctantly took the advice of her guardians as she was sure it would only be for show, and after a few weeks of high dose patches to get her used to nicotine and much coaxing and a feeling of real sadness, she learned how to smoke also, something that as the days and weeks started to pass became much less of a discomfort as her body became used to nicotine and the hooks embedded themselves in her body.

She had moved to the North and was living in Leeds and was settling in to her new mundane life when there was a real scare, word came one evening that someone had tracked her and plans were set that someone was coming for her, so once again she knew she had to make more changes if she was to survive, and once again a new safe-house had to be located.
This time her guardians in the police force advised a much more ambitious lifestyle change in-order to remain hidden she had to blend in more and her 115lb frame was felt far too recognizable, even after facial surgery, so this time she was instructed to do the one thing she had never envisaged, she was to eat! gain weight become less easily seen by blending in.
Sandra as she was now, had already gone through so much, but her life was important and she could always lose it again, as it wouldn't be much?
her guardians had slightly different plans for her and immediately stopped all exercise and swimming programs, she was put on a 4000 calorie per day food schedule that at first was a living hell as she watched her body soften and lose her perfect shape. She was taken to several clinics and was given series of injections one after another as the weeks passed. She loathed the concept of this new frame as it was becoming very hippy, her butt seemed to balloon also, and her breasts were growing much softer and much larger her pert 34b were now becoming 36C's her weight blossoming from 115lbs to 135lbs easily, coupled now with her smoking and her stamina was dropping and even if she could have, she felt less and less desire to exercise. She had also now abandoned her famous stiletto heels for more comfortable fitting flat pumps and even trainers at times as they were so comfortable now. Sandra noticed that eating was becoming much easier and she had a growing appetite, no dou bt the steroid injections and a relaxation in her strict dietary standards were responsible, as her stomach was stretching to accommodate her new hi-cal intake each day.
After another month she was almost 150lbs and had a pronounced belly to go with her hips and thighs and had taken to wearing a large full cup bra to give her the support her newly expanding breasts demanded as they hurt when she would go "commando" her dress style too had gone from "A" list glam, to much more homely, trousers or a skirt with a woollen top, more for comfort than beauty, but it was working, as she learned to live her new life she slowly accepted the changes she had to make, she was becoming addicted to smoking and it permeated into her daily routines as she was re-introduced to life and a job near her new location outside of Glasgow. elocution lessons worked to soften her broad London accent too as she dissolved into becoming Sandra. Even the face staring back at her each morning began to grow less offensive and more natural, she worked with her features and learned to live with herself more easily, she had no real choice in truth.

She had developed a few new friends at the office where she tended reception and noticed that most of the female employees there were all very large even the younger ones, as is the trend in the UK but, she wasn't yet content with her life however, it felt easier than being on the run all the time, and when she noticed her small but real double chin when in the bathroom one morning,she found herself making a small grin.
Almost a year on and her diet, lack of exercise and general lifestyle saw Sandra blossom to a size 18 and almost 180lbs she was now obese by any standards and had a spare tyre surrounding her waist of soft giggling fat that moved with her as she walked, she had taken to wearing leggings much more as they were so "easy" to wear and soft woolen tops so similar to the women she worked and socialized with, she was smoking daily as many of her workmates did so and encouraged her to join them at breaks and lunchtimes and had found herself now hooked on them, and in a stoic show of resignation accepted this was her new vice.
What she didn't realize was her increasing addiction for food. Sandra had kept the ringlet perm and the colour and it seemed so fitting to a larger woman, she felt it sort of flattered her almost, plus it had the significant benefit of being so easy to maintain, as she had more time for the pleasures in her life of eating and now the smoking also.
She had been introduced to Beer by her new friends to replace the champagne and expensive wine in her past and for assisting in her weight gain it was un-noticed by her as now she really enjoyed a Beer over wine which was not helpful to staying slim either, but was so good and enjoyable when she wanted one, which seemed to be increasingly frequently, She eat at all the wrong places, a fried breakfast every day at a small local cafe was her new passion with chips and a burger from the place next door to work at lunchtime or a four cheese lasagne, when working followed by equally fatty meals at night, like currys with nanbread and rice. Sandra was well on her way to size 24 and 220 lbs with a 20 per day habit and thankfully had a theraputic way of giving her little thought for her old distant life.

On a day she was off work she was wandering round the city grazing at will, dressed down in a jumper over black leggings and flat shoes, feeling content more as normal and not drawing attention her soft very rotund frame giggling and bouncing as she walked, her bra straps of her 40DD bra cutting in to her shoulders as she had grown used, and one of her only discomforts now, when she almost collided with a young woman exiting one of the high fashion stores in the m ain precinct, she, as Lorna would have craved to have shopped inside it, but then, it struck her, this was the wife of one of Arun's close henchmen, she was wearing a fur, the shortest skirt imagineable and obligatory full make up and a stunning 120lbs at 5'8" she almost knocked her flying! Sandra was petrified as she was with one of the guys left on the outside and certainly one of the ones who would be instantly able to recognize Lorna, now Sandra.
The exchange was short and rudely curt the young woman told Sandra to watch where she was going you "fat cow" Sandra was in shock for many reasons but being called a fat cow was in itself a shocker, she was almost sure their was a glimmer of recognition but the couple collected themselves and thankfully exited.
Sandra, felt a real fear all over for a few minutes, but joy at not being rumbled, her new girth and style had thrown two of her very close contacts from the past. The excitement had made her nervous, and hungry, she decided to go have some food and call it a day, she had the clothes she wanted from the plus-size store she frequented and after a calming cigarette as she wandered off and caught the bus home.
After the scare Sandra let herself go even more and leant on food as a coping mechanism, as she had become increasingly comfortable in her new size, her stretch-marked belly now hung over her waist and she was developing a very slight waddle in her walk as she grew towards 240lbs she noticed she started to have difficulty with stairs as the smoking and her weight took it's toll, even her neck seemed to merge into her head with no real definition, her hands were chubby her arms had noticeable batwings going on, but, she felt weirdly content even her treble chin was nothing to upset her, her fat calves seemed to blend into her knees then her large thighs, one of which would have been larger than her waist when the process began.
Her police guardians had even began to spend less time with her as her transformation was so complete a 32 year old obese woman, she reckoned that she looked around 40 hardly ever wore make up as she never really had the big occasion to need to, even her pierced ears had closed up forcing her to wear clip-on's most of the time.

It was a few weeks later, that the office where she worked was having some minor works done and one of the contractors was Brian, he was a 35 year old electrician, and he had flirted with Sandra on the two or three occasions he had been in. he himself was about 5'11" tall and well built and in a way quite handsome to Sandra, after the works finished she found herself almost missing his jokes and chats, so, it came as a real shock when his van drew up outside a few days after and a very sheepish Brian, entered and nervously asked Sandra on a date. Sandra was speechless but not so badly she couldn't say yes!
The couple arranged to meet after-work on the Friday and he took her to a small bar in the city that he knew where they had a Beer and chatted as though they were lifelong companions, she felt so easy in his company he was muscular and funny, as the tow decided to go get some food, she had a real craving for sex, something she had not enjoyed for over two years now and Brian seemed to be so gentle, maybe a second date?
After dinner she found herself having a truly great time as her new companion escorted her home and he promised to call her.
The days dragged but then the text came from Brian, it said simply enough, "had a great time, how about a rematch!"
Sandra felt excited and very very aroused, she still knew how to turn a man on and BOY was Brian going to get the full works, so, she set a plan out to get her man, she offered to cook dinner, and he willingly accepted. She planned it out to perfection she had her hair done a fresh perm and some rich brown low-lights it now fell over her shoulder almost to her bra straps, much more makeup than she had used in years and rich deep red lipstick with smoky eyes, a soft long black jersey dress and black sheer pantyhose. For dinner she cooked a large pan of chilli con carne with rice as she had a growing appetite and a growing hunger for her new man.
Brian arrived a few minutes early as she was finishing a cigarette outside and he met her, slightly surprised that she smoked but he confessed he did also lightly and with that seemed to almost approve of it in her. After a long gentle and non-stop laugh a minute dinner, they watched a movie and talked some more as he explained he loved a larger woman and she oozed sex-appeal that he felt very much for her and would like to see her more. That was all the invitation needed and they proceeded to her very romantically lit bedroom.
She lay there wearing a black satin teddy feeling so horny for her new fella, that when he ever so gently penetrated her she felt wave after wave of emotion and satisfaction wash over her, she had always been good in bed and it had gotten Lorna far in her standings but this wasn't sex, she was making love for the first time she could ever recall, and it felt incredible. Brian was so gentle and so caring that when he climaxed, she felt her body shudder in wave after wave of orgasmic zest.
the after-sex was every bit as good, they shared a cigarette on the small balcony as she wore a black sating gown and he held her so naturally.
The next morning when they woke, it became obvious Brian was ready for round 2, and Sandra was more than happy to accept his love again before they showered and went out to enjoy breakfast together. They spent almost the entire weekend together and after that almost became inseparable from each other.
He did had a fat admiration thing and Sandra knew just how to play him into a lather so that the new couple enjoyed sex at a smooth and growing pace.
She even had a flash of thought back to her time as Lorna and knew that that night Lorna had died somewhere and Sandra was born properly and lovingly.
Five years on she and Brian are married have two children and she knew that they did nothing to help her figure she was holding around 220lbs and the kids were the apple of her eye with Brian. Life wasn't easy money was not overflowing but she had her fund to dip into to let them enjoy family holidays even a trip to Disneyland.
From a once horrific scary life she had become something she would never have imagined but had no regrets.

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