Does anyone else have a well-stocked kitchen at work? I haven't been buying much junk food, partially because gaining is a new thing to me and money is tight till payday (hurry up, June 20th!), but my work is well-stocked with goodies. I try to drink at least six cans of nondiet pop per day - plus we have tons of food from Costco. That stuff may not seem that fattening, but when they list three tablespoons as counting as one serving of trail mix (at 160 calories a serving!), it's not hard to pack in a lot of calories.
We have this guy at work who is a physical fitness nut. He's 39, has a tan, keeps trim, and not a single day goes by that he doesn't talk about how hard he hit the gym and his various activities like surfiing, etc.: he is a Men's Health editor's wet dream. The funny thing is, he's actually a really nice guy and I find him more comical than threatening...last week he went apeshit because someone stole his shaker (yes, he keeps protein at work so he can have it first thing when he gets in) and he was so grateful to find out i have a shaker myself (i used to drink nutrition shakes sometimes). The funny thing is, hearing him go off about fitness almost makes me want to gain even rebel against all that.
Anyway, you guys can see how bored I am at work. Thank God for IM...
We have this guy at work who is a physical fitness nut. He's 39, has a tan, keeps trim, and not a single day goes by that he doesn't talk about how hard he hit the gym and his various activities like surfiing, etc.: he is a Men's Health editor's wet dream. The funny thing is, he's actually a really nice guy and I find him more comical than threatening...last week he went apeshit because someone stole his shaker (yes, he keeps protein at work so he can have it first thing when he gets in) and he was so grateful to find out i have a shaker myself (i used to drink nutrition shakes sometimes). The funny thing is, hearing him go off about fitness almost makes me want to gain even rebel against all that.
Anyway, you guys can see how bored I am at work. Thank God for IM...