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Would you convert?

Dimensions Magazine

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Mistress Member
Dec 11, 2006
First up, let me acknowledge that I realize that this is something I have to decide for myself! I'm just feeling out opinions, and I am curious as to what y'all think.

So, its getting serious with my boy. Very. We haven't talked specefics of marriage yet, but we're moving to the same city together next year, and for us both that is a huge deal. We both see the other one in or futures. Madly in love.

That being said...he is Jewish. Not religious, but so culturally into his faith. His whole family is. I love them like my family. But, alas, I am not Jewish. I was raised Catholic, but I am not religious at all (on forms I check 'other' haha). I would have no problem with my children being Jewish, I think there are many great things about it. I would welcome it in fact.

The problem comes with me. I know he wants me to convert. I have a hard time with this, as I am not religious, so how do I just become 'in' with a new religion??

What would you all do in this situation. Explore more? And....for alll of the Jewish people on Dims...I know that for kids to be Jewish their mom has to be.....but is there a way that the kids can convert, and me remain my agnostic little (hah!) self?

Thanks in advance!

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