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Feb 20, 2006
I'll GLADLY start this one:

... after studying for an 8am Biology final for 4 hours, you're on the Dimensions forum at 3:24am to get a bit of an escape before heading to your meager amount of "sleep" despite the constant noise in the halls and when going to read an interesting post, you find that you have no desire to read it- not because of its nature, but because it's too long to read to not be important to your grade. Oy. My summer vacation starts at 10am... that's 6 and a half hours from now, amen. It's funny too, because I'm upset about my inability to read moderately long posts at this current moment, but there's no such inability to write one myself... fickle, eh?

I think I should start a poll on whether I need a life... hehe :)

I promise... the cynicism will dwindle as my studying does- so I should be back to my uppety, happy self in a day or two!

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