Fuzzy Necromancer
Well-Known Member
It's very popular. It's a trend that's sweeping a nation. There are people who obsess over it and see it as a rich allegory for their life, name cats and offspring after it's characters, etc. There's a movie in the works, and it crowds the bookshelves everywhere. You've browsed it, scrolled up a summary, or even read it.
You HATE this fantasy novel/series.
Maybe you once enjoyed it, then took a long good look at it and realized it made you want to hurl, like somebody waking up after a drunken fling to discover their bedroom has three unattractive strangers and a goat. Maybe all your friends love it, and you can't see what the big deal is. Maybe the author's message goes against all you love and hold dear.
Whatever the reason, you can't stand it. You'd like the author to get staked through the heart or turned into a pack of squirrels, assuming you wouldn't prefer they just outright never existed.
Who's on your Fantasy Series Hit-list? You can also mention a single or handful of works if a complete hitlist would be too exhaustive.
You HATE this fantasy novel/series.
Maybe you once enjoyed it, then took a long good look at it and realized it made you want to hurl, like somebody waking up after a drunken fling to discover their bedroom has three unattractive strangers and a goat. Maybe all your friends love it, and you can't see what the big deal is. Maybe the author's message goes against all you love and hold dear.
Whatever the reason, you can't stand it. You'd like the author to get staked through the heart or turned into a pack of squirrels, assuming you wouldn't prefer they just outright never existed.
Who's on your Fantasy Series Hit-list? You can also mention a single or handful of works if a complete hitlist would be too exhaustive.