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Sep 29, 2005
Tennessee, USA
I consider adding Zoints LOCAL. It is in fact installed, I just haven't turned it on. What is Zoints? Here is how it's described:

Installed on your forum and under your control, Zoints Local is what you want it to be. If you want to provide your members with a homepage they can personalize, you can. If you want members to share more about themselves via greatly enhanced profiles, you can. Blogs? Networking? Resumes? Photos? Video sharing? No problem. Via Zoints' page and block management system, you can do what you want, how you want, with ease.

Zoints Local takes your forum's basic profile and turns it into a portal where a whole new world opens up, all on your website. As you can see below, your members can have everything from a personal homepage to enhanced profile, blog, network, pages to show off their vehicle (pictured) and anything else that can be dreamed up.

If you're interested about the mod, see http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=130946

If you're interested what a very basic sample profile page could look like, I set one up for me at http://conradb212.zoints.com/?prevgroup=0 (Yes, you can even include YouTybe video).

Let me know if this has potential.