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Recent content by Sparrow

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  1. Sparrow

    BBW Hunter's Moon - by Marlow

    I thought you were making a Steve Brule reference, but then i found out he was a real person!
  2. Sparrow

    BBW The Craving from Beyond the Stars - by Marlow

    It's writing like this that makes me feel bad for people who don't like weight gain erotica.
  3. Sparrow

    BBW The Craving from Beyond the Stars - by Marlow

    It keeps getting better!
  4. Sparrow

    BBW Martha

    This is well written, but i think it belongs in a different forum. ...I'm gonna go shower
  5. Sparrow

    BBW The Craving from Beyond the Stars - by Marlow

    Haha, Morley. I like the X-Files reference.
  6. Sparrow

    BBW Sainte-Isabelle (college, ~XWG, force feeding)

    I can't wait for the next installment!
  7. Sparrow

    Looking For A Story

    https://www.dimensionsmagazine.com/threads/chocolatefinger-by-runningsoft-bbw-lesbian-sex-mwg.97158/ Chocolate Finger by Runningsoft
  8. Sparrow

    So, what happened to all the stories?

    That was a good idea. I was able to find the stories on there. But what happened to the dimensions library? Did they tell us ahead of time, or did they just delete it without warning?
  9. Sparrow

    So, what happened to all the stories?

    Did I miss something? Is there anywhere I can still read them, or did anyone back them up?
  10. Sparrow

    BBW Cecilia's Deal (magic, WG)

    I'm really excited to see how this ends!
  11. Sparrow

    BBW Planet XL - by Marlow

    Haha, yes!
  12. Sparrow

    BBW Planet XL - by Marlow

    Burt Reynolds' character from Boogie Nights.
  13. Sparrow

    BBW Planet XL - by Marlow

    Marlow is the Jack Horner of weight gain fiction.
  14. Sparrow

    BBW Planet XL - by Marlow

    This is great so far! I can't wait to read more!