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Recent content by thirtiesgirl

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  1. thirtiesgirl

    GoBettiePurple's Size Acceptance Thread

    Others may disagree with my opinions, but having a difference of opinions is not "hurtful to other people," aside from the fact that those who feel hurt that I don't agree with them are not taking ownership of their feelings. For the record, Mermaid's activities on another forum were...
  2. thirtiesgirl

    GoBettiePurple's Size Acceptance Thread

    Bettie, I did not attack you as a man-hunting fake. If you feel that way, those feelings are yours and I'd hope that you'd be mature enough to own up to them. No one can cause you to feel a certain way if the feelings weren't already there in the first place. If you feel the need to justify...
  3. thirtiesgirl

    BBW actress Mindy Cohn on "What Not To Wear"

    You have a point in that size acceptance, as far as I'm concerned, is about more than just size. It's about accepting people for everything they are, whether they're fat or not. It's about accepting one's sexuality, gender expression preferences, age, body shape (whether fat or thin), and...
  4. thirtiesgirl

    Why I'm an out FA (and you should be too)

    Thanks for sharing and being so open with us.
  5. thirtiesgirl

    Things A Fat Girl Would Like To Be Able To Say

    I'm not telling Bettie where she should or should not post. I'm saying that I'd like to see her participate more in other forums. I think she has a lot to contribute and a lot to learn and it would be a good experience for everyone. That's a little different than saying "you must post here"...
  6. thirtiesgirl

    Things A Fat Girl Would Like To Be Able To Say

    As do you, Bettie, as do you. As you've said to me in person, you don't like the fact that there aren't enough men on these forums and that there are "too many women." When I mention that I have an issue with Mermaid joining the forum with what seems like similar intentions - that she's...
  7. thirtiesgirl

    Things A Fat Girl Would Like To Be Able To Say

    I'm not 'pointing fingers,' Bettie. Mermaid wrote several posts on not liking her body herself when she joined this site. It was obvious she was new to the idea of size acceptance and was in the process of learning, but rather than sticking around to discuss size acceptance and continue...
  8. thirtiesgirl

    Things A Fat Girl Would Like To Be Able To Say

    It really isn't an inconsequential phrase, Amy. In her brief time on this forum, Mermaid often expressed a lot of self-doubt and dislike of her body, including her desire to fit in smaller clothes. That doesn't speak to self-acceptance and self-love, in my opinion. I'm all for being able to...
  9. thirtiesgirl

    Funny Things from Online Dating Profiles

    I'll quote directly from Wendy McClure's book, I'm Not the New Me: Every night for nearly a week I browse the ads and steep myself in Guyness. I have lots of conversations in my head. Dear "Sardonic_6": According to your profile, you're seeking a woman between 5'2" and 6'2" and between...
  10. thirtiesgirl

    What are you doing on black Friday?

    I'll be on the freeway, driving back from my mom's house, to which I've been summoned for Thanksgiving. I can only spend a few hours there and maintain my sanity, so I'll be driving home Friday morning. Once I get home, I'll spend a little time with the cats, do laundry and remind myself why I...
  11. thirtiesgirl

    What do use your boobs for? - BBW Only Please!

    I notice that several women in this thread have said they use their boobs as hand warmers. Which prompts me to ask a question I've been dying to ask, but have been too embarrassed to broach the subject. Let me preface my question with a little exposition. I have a particular habit when I'm...
  12. thirtiesgirl

    Celebrity Chef Crushes

    Gah! He is so cute! I'd never seen him until my cable service provider got the Cooking channel a month ago, and now I can't stop watching the Cooking channel and I can't stop watching him. He is my perfect man in every way - looks, cooks! - except one: he lives in Canada. :( Not that I have...
  13. thirtiesgirl

    Things A Fat Girl Would Like To Be Able To Say

    My issue is not with her size or her desire to lose weight. It's with her assumption that all fat women (or women who feel that they're fat) have a desire to lose weight and fit in smaller jeans. Some of us are quite happy with our size and the clothes we wear, and have no desire to lose...
  14. thirtiesgirl

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    I'm a Blade Runner fan, too, and don't like the director's cut in comparison to the theatrical release. That was the first version I saw and loved, so I'm dedicated to that one. Saw the newest Harry Potter on Sunday and loved it. The kids are growing up and they're on an adventure, rather...
  15. thirtiesgirl

    Fat Fashion Blogs

    Jessica Kane, the woman who used to 'publish' Skorch online, has her own fatshion blog and Facebook page: http://www.fatshionchic.blogspot.com/; http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/fatshionchic. I get a little tired of her Lane Bryant-only styles (I know it's not all she wears, but...