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  1. Dr. Feelgood

    Revisiting ... the FFA guilt issue

    I think the question has to be, "Am I knowingly contributing to the harm of others?" Simply feeling or expressing admiration or affection for another person is not directly harmful to him or her. As long as you don't encourage that person --directly pr indirectly -- to do something you believe...
  2. Dr. Feelgood

    What is the greatest sandwich?

    I was spurred to make one of these for myself. It was transcendently good. Thank you, Tracyarts, Benefactress of Humanity! :bow::bow::bow:
  3. Dr. Feelgood

    Fall is in the air. Can you feel it?!?!?

    My cat feels the same way. Our house has three doors to the outside, and he yowls to be let out at each in turn: he's convinced that at least one of them must lead back to summer!
  4. Dr. Feelgood

    body positivity versus reality

    For a (IMO) thorough, well-conducted study see the article by Flegal et al. in the January 2013 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. It is actually a review of over 700 studies on the relationship between BMI and mortality rate, involving more than 2000 subjects, and you can...
  5. Dr. Feelgood

    body positivity versus reality

    Can't rep you. But I can say,"YOU GO, GIRL!"
  6. Dr. Feelgood

    Fatty Liver Disease

    I have read that it can be genetic; does anyone else in your family have it? That said, I'm not clear on the relationship of fatty liver disease to cirrhosis of the liver, except that (a) they can both be caused by excessive consumption of alcohol, and (b) alcohol is a sugar. The liver...
  7. Dr. Feelgood

    What are you happy about today?

    In that case, you have a great job!
  8. Dr. Feelgood

    Gabrielle Deydier

    She's my hero. I couldn't get the URL to work, but she's on the Guardian website: https:theguardian.com/society/2017/sep/10/gabrielle-deydier-fat-in-france-abuse-grossophobia-book-women. Trust me, it's worth the effort to track down. PS: she's hot, too.
  9. Dr. Feelgood

    LADIES post an awesome photo of yourselves!

    All this and green eyes, too!:wubu:
  10. Dr. Feelgood

    The thread for random single confessions!

    In other words, you have class.:bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:
  11. Dr. Feelgood

    Favorite Poem?

    "Books are keys to wisdom's treasure. Books are gate to lands of pleasure. Books are paths that upward lead. Books are friends -- come, let us read." --Emilie Poulson
  12. Dr. Feelgood

    Any way you want it

    Well, this IS the "any way you want it" thread. So if you've got it the way you want it, and you're happy, this ought to count as the happy thread. .
  13. Dr. Feelgood

    Reactions and Observations From a "Mismatched" Couple

    I think most people (except FA's, who have learned better) assume right off the bat that everyone else likes whatever they like. For example, my next-door neighbor has just opened his front door to share his musical taste with the neighborhood. He's a good fellow, though, so I don't mind...
  14. Dr. Feelgood

    What is the greatest sandwich?

    I have loved BLT's* all my life, but today I constructed a grilled bacon*, cheddar cheese, and tomato sandwich. It was so good I immediately got online to share it with fellow dimmers. Please try it. *Vegetarian bacon is made from egg white, soybean oil. and textured soy product. It tastes...
  15. Dr. Feelgood

    What are the advantages of having a fat partner?

    With a fat partner you have safer sex: no sharp edges. :)
  16. Dr. Feelgood

    What's your latest kick?

    'Hope' brand Thai curry coconut hummus. Yes, I know it sounds terrible, but it's wonderful.
  17. Dr. Feelgood

    Weirdest Food Combos You Like

    Think of it a American marmite. :)
  18. Dr. Feelgood

    The thread for random single confessions!

    You could bring a Limburger cheese and offer to share. :)
  19. Dr. Feelgood

    High # of dims people?

    If you're looking for a permanent relationship, you need to be not only someplace where there are potential partners, but where there are potential partners who are ready to settle down. The problem with big cities like NYC, SF, etc. is that they are places to start a career: people come there...