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body positivity versus reality

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2006
[FONT=&quot]Most of you are probably well aware of the current movement around 'body positivity' in which plus-sized/fat women are referred to as 'curvy' and the argument is that all women should ideally be viewed as attractive/sexy (unless you are an under-evolved neanderthal). So I have been stewing over this topic for a while, and now I have been forwarded a textbook example that illustrates the issue, which I decided to share here.

In the attached link is an article about a young engaged couple who did a risque photo-shoot that went viral. The lady is a substantial woman of maybe size 16-18, while the guy is attractive and very chiseled.


from the article:

"The viral shoot also gave Stephanie, who got engaged to Arryn in February, an opportunity to spread an important message about body positivity ― something she struggled with growing up as a curvaceous woman. “I remember being in junior high and looking at myself in the mirror, wondering why my stomach wasn’t the way it was ‘supposed’ to be,” she told HuffPost. “Over the years, I’ve come to accept that I am always going to be considered plus-size. I push myself out of my comfort zone by wearing clothes that I love but aren’t in society’s mold of what is acceptable for bigger women, like crop tops, tight shirts, shorter dresses and shorts. I walk around with my head high, smiling, and show no shame in myself.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]And while Stephanie has been on a body positivity journey of her own, Arryn’s unwavering love and support has only bolstered her self-esteem. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“Throughout our relationship, there has never been a time when he made me feel self-conscious about any part of myself. To him, it doesn’t matter if I have not washed my hair for a week or shaved my legs in over a month,” she told HuffPost. “He loves me for who I am, and for who I make him want to become. He has always told me that he doesn’t care how I look, that I’m beautiful regardless.”[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]So he DOES NOT CARE how she looks !? Who the fuck actually believes this crap?![/FONT]
There are 4 possibilities that I have come up with:

1: he has not admitted to/discussed with her that he prefers larger (aka fat) women - i.e. he is a stealth FA
2: the couple did not want to discuss with the reporter this sensitive topic regarding his preference for a larger woman and just decided to pass it off as him being such a wonderful, accepting dude
3: the guy actually does not have a strong size preference (rare as hen's teeth) OR overcame his preference to be with this gal due to other reasons (maybe just really bonds with her emotionally)
4: the 'journalist' did not include/address this aspect of the relationship properly because it would not support the modern feminist agenda that all women are beautiful and sexy to a 'properly socialized' male

My money would be on option 4. I think there is a twisted agenda out there to push this unrealistic idea: "He loves me for who I am, and for who I make him want to become. He has always told me that he doesn’t care how I look"
This gobbledygook needs to be countered by sound argument. FACT: men are driven by their visual attraction to the female form. FACT: not all men prefer the same thing. FACT: there is someone for (damn near) everyone. Anything else is fairytale nonsense or wishful thinking.

The door is being opened a bit, but we need to somehow get there and kick it open all the way. The more I think about it, the more I believe that it is not so much a matter of fat acceptance but rather a matter of FA acceptance. Once FAs are accepted by society as legit, fat people will be correspondingly accepted as well. We have had it backwards all this time. Then again, I could just be off my rocker ;)[/FONT]

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