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  1. S

    2011 NFL Thread

    Honey, you are always welcome to post a pic of an Eagles logo on any body part. Hell any logo on any body part. No bet needed! :D
  2. S

    2011 NFL Thread

    I am looking for suggestions only. Nancy, how close this bet really was. 2 damn yards. I wish they had run it to punch it in. Screw being nice. This is a bet. Damn lucky woman. I am thinking elbow or ankle right now. Lemme sleep on it. Heh heh. Giants lose. Not so bad losing this bet...
  3. S

    2011 NFL Thread

    Okay. You win the bet. But, as McCoy was angling for the corner of the end zone, the game already in hand with the first down, ol' Spanky was screaming for a TD to put us up by 14 and the bet win. So. The Giants suck again in the Eagles house north. I have no idea who will win the...
  4. S

    2011 NFL Thread

  5. S

    2011 NFL Thread

    Bah. Typical February day in Minnesota. I don't even want to discuss January. Especially if the Eagles get to the NFC Championship. <facepalm> But, Nancy dear, have you picked out a spot on your beautiful body for an Eagles logo and a pic? :)
  6. S

    The inherent FA predicament

    "I've always been attracted to fat women. I find fatness alluring, elegant, comforting, and just plain wonderful in every respect. Always have, always will." I wish this wonderfully summarized statement could somehow define being an FA. Then the rest would be "shaving cream". Really...
  7. S

    2011 NFL Thread

    It is amazing about all of the Eagles dramatic victories over the Jints. I mean Meadowlands I and II, Dogdy's Punt, etc etc. I can't think of a famous Giants win over the Eagles. But no matter how many whoopins they get, they always seem to find pics of the 1960 Eagles Championship and...
  8. S

    2011 NFL Thread

    You want to trade video barbs? REALLY? :D Given the results of the last game in the Muddylands. Tony's Favorite Play! :p
  9. S

    2011 NFL Thread

    Oh, Nancy? Uh, the Eagles could go up to the Swamp and do the very same thing to the Midgets that they just did to the Cowpokes. Glad you rooted for them. Just letting you know. You can back out of the bet right now by posting your losing picture. ;)
  10. S

    2011 NFL Thread

    No, this needs correction. For the rest of the season.......Redskins. FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL <how many games is that?> OH. FAIL and.........wait for it. FAIL. The end. See ya in 2012!
  11. S

    2011 NFL Thread

    #1. This horrible terrible slight at my Eagles is just the last straw.:mad: #2. This arrogant, overconfident, dripping with smugginess post makes me feel a bit better about the Iggles chances of going up to that swamp-asses drainage pit and going all "Vick on yo asses". aka "win by 14" #3. I...
  12. S

    What do you like about the previous poster? Part Trois!

    He's a "little bit" nicer than the average Noo Yawker. And I mean "a little bit". :D
  13. S

    2011 NFL Thread

    Looks like Shitty beat Suprisey last Sundee. ;) Lub, Shitty
  14. S

    France vs. New Zealand

    Speaking as a born and raised American Football fan, I did watch the USA v. Ireland match. Rugby is where our Football probably used to be about 80 or 90 years ago. You can see the similarities. But in watching the constant action, the pure tackling and the better fitness of Rugby today, it...
  15. S

    2011 NFL Thread

    I guess the one outspoken Redskins fan is more of a.....how should I say this.....a Packers fan this morning? :D
  16. S

    2011 NFL Thread

    Funny enough, I visited this castle about 3 years ago. We had to hike up a bunch a switchbacks to get to the mountain top castle. Once there, we watched a raptor demonstration including an American Bald Eagle soaring above the Austria Alps. Then we went inside and ate an authentic medieval...
  17. S

    2011 NFL Thread

    Is that Nancy I see in the doorway waiting for the Eagles love of her life to come home? * I am talking about DeSean. Who were you thinking of? :D
  18. S

    2011 NFL Thread

    There is talk, only talk mind you, of digging up Jim Johnson and doing a "Weekend at Tommy's" up at the Meadowlands for the Game II. I mean a corpse with his defensive mind couldn't do worse than our current "live brained" defensive coordinator. Hand picked by Reid himself. :mad: <facepalm>
  19. S

    2011 NFL Thread

    Giants fan = front hand pat downs for Nancy hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... I will have to think about this. Beats the HELL outta yo' stale ass cookies in that lame-o run down section 8 apartment you STILL call the NFL 2007 lounge. :D
  20. S

    2011 NFL Thread

    Andy is under contract only for this year and next. So they could simply pay him for next year and start the search. ;)