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  1. Wagimawr

    The Scourge that is FAs

    I think we'd all feel better if photographic evidence was provided, so we know what to look for. Y'know, the authorities and all that.
  2. Wagimawr

    Beware the office feeder:

    I'll take the case! no srsly. gimme that job, yo.
  3. Wagimawr

    The Scourge that is FAs

  4. Wagimawr

    Motown/Phil Spector Thread Your Favorite Motown or Phil Spector produced Songs!!!!

    Yeah, the Complete Motown singles boxes are awesome. :D (yarrrrrr. /eyepatch)
  5. Wagimawr

    Obama Fails to Contain Oil Gush

    Why did I expect this thread's OP to have the phrase "he just wouldn't fit in the pipe" inside it?
  6. Wagimawr


    well SOMEBODY woke up on the anarchist side of the bed this morning
  7. Wagimawr


    Ooh, don't say that. That just "proves" that socialism inevitably leads to communism, totalitarianism and fascism.
  8. Wagimawr

    I think we need to discuss the elephant in the room.

    There are worse things. Imagine a mumakil in the room...and on the room...and around the room...and over the room...
  9. Wagimawr

    Robert C. Byrd dead at 92

    Now where will West Virginia get all it's money? Still, though; a commendable run. Any other long-termers that need to die off next?
  10. Wagimawr

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ithIad4MQso omfg brian may
  11. Wagimawr


    So that's what it is. Communist hate and hate for the poor are linked; it's all about slamming people who don't have "enough". Dirty, indeed. :p
  12. Wagimawr

    Republicans Showing True Colors

    I dunno, "indescribable" is still a label. :D
  13. Wagimawr

    are fat women who eat on public transport irresponsible?

    That, or Tony's Creole Seasoning All added surreptitiously, of course. :D
  14. Wagimawr

    Got an immediate problem, help!

    It's that simple. Let the OP, the hotel, and anybody else who gets stuck in that situation worry about who's paying for what; the important thing is that "hey, this thing in my room is broken" becomes a known fact. Whatever happens after that is a private matter that may differ from place to...
  15. Wagimawr


    I like how everybody says "socialism doesn't work in nation-sized quantities; it's only successful in smaller communities" and yet every example against it ever has been like Bio's post; a smaller group "learning" something about socialism.
  16. Wagimawr

    Daily activism -- find Louise type

    Very true, but Russ also used the term fat as an unnecessary descriptor as a means to do nothing more than attempt to change a mind. That's what's rubbing people raw here; creating conflict (and thus, a "teaching moment") where there really is none.
  17. Wagimawr

    Daily activism -- find Louise type

    I suppose this approach really doesn't harm anything; the accosted either takes to the intended sentiment or they don't.
  18. Wagimawr

    Daily activism -- find Louise type

    I don't have examples, and your approach might have even worked...this time. Handling situations when they arise naturally, like the racism example you gave below, seems to me to be a much better approach than artificially creating a) conflict and b) potential confusion for somebody who may not...
  19. Wagimawr

    Daily activism -- find Louise type

    Maybe I'm just too concise, but it seems a little redundant for you to point out your wife as a a) fat b) woman on a c) scooter. "Have you seen anyone on a scooter?" would have been a perfectly valid inquiry without forcing an unwanted lesson onto someone who you more likely just confused.