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  1. jack

    Need New Music!!

    Bela Fleck is really good, yes. Belle and Sebastians latest record, The Life Pursuit is amazing. It's a refreshing rock and roll record reminiscent of T-Rex and Love. It's been out for a while, but you probably haven't listnened to Pedro the Lion. I'd really recommend Control. Sondre...
  2. jack

    If a tree falls in the woods...

    It's probably the damn pinkos again. I know for a fact that there are at least 2 card-carrying commies in Hollywood.
  3. jack

    If a tree falls in the woods...

    I'm sure that there's something hidden in a Michelangelo sculpture with a code that explains all of it. And Ron Howard can make another crappy-ass film about it.
  4. jack

    I Have Decided!!!!

    He had decided to make a comic. No turning back; no turning back.
  5. jack


    i've heard this can be helpful, if you add it to your diet, rather than replacing a meal with it.
  6. jack

    hey, ivy...

    what the crap just happened? you were there, and then you weren't.
  7. jack

    hey, ivy...

    it's time to get fucktarded in here.
  8. jack

    How ''big'' are you down ''There''???

    10.5-11, depending on brand.
  9. jack

    Would you donate sperm or an egg?

    But that's only your opinion. Believe me, I understand your point and don't think it's a bad one. I'm just saying that you should take anything anyone says as opinion, because they probably are only meaning to convey what they think and believe in the first place. Sure, you can try to...
  10. jack

    Would you donate sperm or an egg?

    Obviously if she said it, it's her opinion. If you were writing an op-ed for a newspaper, the editor would remove the phrases "I believe" and "I think" every time they occur. When someone speaks, unless they're speaking as an authority on a subject, they're sharing their opinion. You just...
  11. jack

    Would you donate sperm or an egg?

    I'm not really an asswipe, I just play one on TV. (do I have to put a winky smiley here so my comment is taken as kidding around? i don't really like smilies...)
  12. jack

    Would you donate sperm or an egg?

    I'm at least as pro-life as you, if not more. I was just unaware that there were several eggs fertilized in the process. It seems like, since they pay you several thousand dollars, they'd only fertilize one at a time. So, that surprises me. I'll have to think about this.
  13. jack

    If you chat or post elsewhere...

    I regularly participate in four other online communities (though only in one do I participate MORE than I do here, which isn't that much), and the conflict hasn't come up elsewhere. I think that'd be weird, if collectively all of our culture flipped out on sexual differences.
  14. jack

    Couldn't Care Less/ Could Care Less

    No, they do it because they're idiots and don't understand what they're saying. It's one of my all-time biggest pet peeves.
  15. jack

    Coke vs Pepsi vs RC vs Jolt vs Dr.Pepper!!!

    Coke and RC Cola are like motor oil. I'd've voted for Pepsi, but Jolt was an option. So, I'd say Pepsi, but Jolt if I can find it.
  16. jack

    Make me smile!!!!!!!!!

    Mario gets a suit that turns him into a tanuki in Super Mario 3. He can become a statue then, and while he's a statue, he can't get hurt. I guess Luigi can, too, but I don't think I've EVER seen a tanuki Luigi.
  17. jack

    What advertising rep gives you the creeps?

    I think the BK King commercials are really clever. However, if I ever met anybody in advertising, I'd probably shove a knife in their throat. Seriously: if you're in advertising, kill yourself.
  18. jack

    Would you donate sperm or an egg?

    Can you provide any evidence that any fertilized eggs are discarded? If you think it's wrong to discard an egg whatsoever, you'd better stop ovulating and menstruating. Give me some evidence, please of any pre-born babies being thrown out in the context of a fertility clinic.
  19. jack

    The 3-Variable Funny Test

    Yes it did. Ironic is measured as Complex v. Spontaneous.
  20. jack

    Would you donate sperm or an egg?

    Just so you know, the guy gave his sperm to her while they were in a relationship, and claimed that they'd agreed he was only a "sperm donor." He didn't give it at a bank or anything. If he had, she wouldn't've been able to sue him for it. There's no risk of a mother "finding you out." You...