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  1. Shao

    Flying from Toronto to the UK next year

    Have a safe flight, Toronto will miss you (I'm from there too)!
  2. Shao

    Anyone from downtown Toronto?

    Not to reopen a dead thread, but it made more sense than creating a new one. I'm from downtown Toronto right in the Annex area (two blocks from U of T St. George).
  3. Shao

    The show your face/introduction thread

    I'm not new to the community but I've never really been an active member up until now. This is my first step at formally introducing myself to the community and playing a part after being registered for years. Name: Arun (people just usually pronounce it "Aaron" in English - it's easier)...
  4. Shao

    Canadian Singles :(

    23 from downtown Toronto here. :)
  5. Shao

    WLS and PCOS.....

    All in all, is it safe to say that it's a bad choice to be a BBW with PCOS without severe diet restrictions? My girlfriend has PCOS, she's on the large side (5'6 and 230+ lbs) and loves eating snacks, twinkies, chips, and the like (maybe one regular bag a sitting). Her weight fluctuates (she...
  6. Shao

    Bbw + Pcos

    Hello everyone, I was wondering how a BBW can maintain her size as a BBW without having to go on crazy diets or exercise plans. Obviously those things will be a benefit against PCOS, but does that mean anyone who has PCOS and takes drugs like metaformin cannot afford to be on the larger side...
  7. Shao

    Minimal Workout

    Hello everyone, I was wondering what the best type of exercise(s) would be allowing a moderately healthy fitness level (not an athlete or anything, but healthy) while resulting in as little weight loss as possible.
  8. Shao

    Bbw + Pcos

    She sees an endocrinologist (she last saw that doctor a few months ago) and was also recommended by her to lose weight. What are other reliable sources of information that state that weight does not contribute to her condition? I want what is right for her and she wants what is right for herself...
  9. Shao

    Bbw + Pcos

    Hello everyone. I have actually been a Dimensions lurker for between seven to eight years, favouring the Weight Room stories. I struggle with my shyness towards being an FA and have done so for quite some time, but have now decided to make my first step into the community forums a bold one by...