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  1. Wagimawr

    Glenn Beck website FAIL

    happiness (bang bang shoot shoot) [posting in an epic thread.]
  2. Wagimawr

    No more counting

    Good to hear you're able to resume more preferable habits. :)
  3. Wagimawr

    A New Personal Introduction

    you used the word hereby in a long-fucking-ass introduction thread get out get OUT GET THE FUCK OUT
  4. Wagimawr

    How do you feel about marijuana?

    I don't believe you, and the cops probably didn't either. :D
  5. Wagimawr

    Shoshie stacks it on

    Wow. I am a FAN. :D
  6. Wagimawr

    Smaller girl wanting to gain.

    Hello there, longtime lurker! :p In your case, all I can suggest is patience mixed with lots of calories. Eat as much (but only as much!) as you can handle, cut back on your activity level, and enjoy the process of being free of whatever sacrifices you had to make to lose the weight initially...
  7. Wagimawr

    How do you feel about marijuana?

    Know what we wouldn't have without weed? The Beatles after 1964. Yeah, I think I'm pretty okay with marijuana.
  8. Wagimawr

    How do you feel about marijuana?

    Let me refer you above to the phrase "heart failure caused by cannabis poisoning". It might not be in any medical journals but it seems perfectly plausible.
  9. Wagimawr

    How do you feel about marijuana?

    O.o WHAT..
  10. Wagimawr

    How do you feel about marijuana?

    So, has anybody actually determined if marijuana is addictive or not? Cause if the answer is "it depends" then there's not much of an argument left, is there? :p puff puff pass? more like cough cough hack. there's GOT to be better ways to get stoned. (p.s. brownies.)
  11. Wagimawr

    407 Lbs

  12. Wagimawr

    How do you feel about marijuana?

    Legalize it, tax it, treat it like alcohol. My question is, would that cause the number of users to go up or down? What if you're SO FUCKING HIGH MAN that you just jump in front of the subway train or the bus? :D I tried it once, and failed miserably; do I win something for understanding why...
  13. Wagimawr

    407 Lbs

    Seriously? That would make this whole thread better.
  14. Wagimawr

    Shoshie stacks it on

    I'm not sure what I enjoy more; the picture, or reading this. :D
  15. Wagimawr

    Question about my belly

    Looks great on you; maybe 18 more before 2012? ;)
  16. Wagimawr

    Facebook BBW Impersonator

    All the FAs should flood his profile with friend requests. It'd be hilarious.
  17. Wagimawr

    Hello Wagimawr it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, wh

    y not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums? ... um, I dunno. cause?
  18. Wagimawr

    Me and My fat belly!! :)

    I know I do! ;)
  19. Wagimawr

    LOTR fans, you'll wanna read this ....

    I'm in. Maybe this time I won't be getting into the movies 5+ years after the fact. :D