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Facebook BBW Impersonator

Dimensions Magazine

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That was a heart.
Oct 4, 2006
I just wanted to let all of you know - there's a guy on Facebook who regularly impersonates Dims women. He creates accounts with their name, and using their picture and a fake birthdate, and starts friending all the BBWs he can find, assuming most people will go "Oh, I know her," or "Oh, I thought I was already friends with her," and just accept. One can only presume the goal is to collect pictures of BBWs that he wouldn't otherwise have access to. He also friends men who associate with BBWs in order to steal their pictures of BBWs.

Right now he is impersonating our friend Summer. He's using the name "Summer Grace." If you are friends with someone whose name is "Summer Grace," you're friends with the impersonator and not the real Summer.

This is the fake account: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100001811221491

I'm asking everyone here who is friends with the real Summer to please report this account as a fake profile (Scroll down, click "Report/Block this person" on the left, select "Fake Profile," and in the drop-down box choose "Impersonating me or someone I know." You can then type her name into the "Who is being impersonated" box and submit.)

If enough people report it, Facebook will take it down.

For the rest of you, if your privacy is important to you, please just be aware that this guy is out there. Whenever any new person you think you know from Dims tries to add you, make sure their profile has more than just a couple of photos, or have a message conversation with them first to make sure they're the real thing.

Here's a conversation I had with him over all this via Facebook message. He only reached out to me after I posted on his wall for all his "friends" to see that he wasn't the real deal and he was impersonating Summer. He lost some friends over it (but not everyone, unfortunately). He doesn't seem to really get why this is an issue:

Summer Grace: hi ginny....i am your biggest fan...i know i am using fake id it is just because i want to be friends with you guys who are big in size because i love big girls...as i am too far from you i live in australia...i love each and every thing of your body your belly your arms your legs everything is adorable to me...iwanted to lift you up or being sqeezed by you any time hope you dont mind..love you girl and a big hug from my side...i hope you reply to this msg...happy new year..hope you have wonderful year 2011

Ginny: This is the WAY wrong way to go about it, dude. Impersonating people is REALLY CREEPY and it is NOT cool. It feels really, really bad when it's you that's impersonated, and also when you find out someone was looking at your profile that you didn't want to have permission to. It feels violating. If you were yourself, and perhaps posted places, and let people get to know you, then they might add you on their own eventually, but you're only making enemies by doing this.

Summer Grace: i am sorry ginny...i know its wrong but i will put off this pic.... [he did take Summer's pic down] dont add me in your profile but can you please be my friend through messages here on facebook...i want to be friends with you sweetie...dont let me down trust me i am nice guy but a fat amirer...here where i am living is hardly any fat girls but big girls like you make me go crazy...you can try my friendship for couple of day..try it

: I'm trying to say this relatively kindly because you don't seem to be doing this from a malicious place... but why would I want to be friends with someone who doesn't even have the courage to use his own name and make friends that way? Who has to hide behind other people and count on their names to make friends FOR him?

In general, men who hide behind fake profiles, or men who create profiles with only BBWs and none of their real-life friends, are frequently either married and hiding it, or closeted, and either way that's not someone I want to be friends with, anyway. I'm sorry. I wish you the best of luck in finding your own voice instead of someone else's.

Be aware, ladies. There are people like this out there.

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