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  1. S

    Nude Modeling and its effect on my own self image

    It is wonderful to hear all your experiences- I love the women at dimensions! I've modeled nude for artist bfs in the past, but I think the experience that had a huge impact on my self-image was posting for Substantia Jones for the website www.adipositivity.com. That's actually me in the...
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    Europeans and Fat

    sigh... never mind! :) And no, no money for booze unfortunately- I need it for gas money so I can drive down the block to get McDonald's.
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    Europeans and Fat

    Why Jes, are you making fun of my argument? ;)
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    Europeans and Fat

    As a side note, and as an American who has lived in Europe and suffered hearing repeated complaints about every fat/loud/rude American stereotype there is (even though I try to blend wherever I go), I just want to note that although many American tourists are indeed fat/loud/rude, the USA does...
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    Europeans and Fat

    Back in the late 1990s a Parisian friend of mine was telling me about how awful McDonald's was as evidenced by the fact that local bakers in Paris were trying to get a law passed that McDonald's not be allowed to sell croissants and baguettes because they were taking away so much business from...
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    Farm Town nerdiness

    Could someone PLEASE send me two pear trees? My orchard has been incomplete for months! lol Happy to return gift requests!
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    Farm Town nerdiness

    My farm. I love the apple orchard. :)
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    Farm Town nerdiness

    For the love of all that is holy, someone please send me a pear tree!!! :D
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    Everyday Food Pics - Part II - keep snapping!! :D

    James made me some incredible cheese, bacon, and jalapeño grits. SO GOOD. :eat2:
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    I'm Real!!!!

    Hi Penny, Welcome! I look forward to hearing more about you. The BBW Board is also a wonderful place to share experiences and start conversations about issues that are important to you. Hope you find the peace and strength you're looking for.
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    I'm Real!!!!

    Don't make this about you... your post was unbelievably callous. Creative fiction is fine, but waving how much you love cake in front of a diabetic struggling to control her eating is atrocious behavior. That's it, and you know it. I can't believe a real fat woman would treat another so...
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    Dims Yearbook Superlatives!!!

    Ditto. Thanks Kayrae! And I'd have to nominate James for best legs in gym shorts... I'm looking at them right now and all I can say is that they are lovely, lean, and muscular. :D
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    Are we too demanding when it comes to dating?

    Absolutely- I remember feeling this especially keenly when I first joined dims. I've even heard FAs on dims state that a BBW who isn't "confident" in the hyperbolic sense that you're describing is just another "fat chick." Ick.
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    "I'm Against Feederism" Rant

    I understand what you're saying, but both feminism and feederism could benefit if people dared use the "F word" more freely.
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    Post Your Goofiest Pictures

    Ha! No worries about slamming the Mona Lisa- there are much better things to see at the Louvre! And the Vatican Museum has one of my very favorite objects on this earth, Exekias' amphora depicting Ajax and Achilles playing dice. Man alive I love this thing. Hope you saw it! :)
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    "I'm Against Feederism" Rant

    I've always been wary of terms such as "encourager" because when I've heard it, it's always meant someone badgering the fuck out of me to gain lots of weight without him taking any ownership of that desire. Constant pestering about how great I would look heavier, and if I protested, the...
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    Are we too demanding when it comes to dating?

    You're right- they are intelligent and well-spoken, and I have no issue with beauty as long as there's acknowledgment that it's a diverse thing. The Disney princesses do work hard for what they want- but what is that precisely? For the most famous ones, i.e. Cinderella, Snow White, Ariel from...
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    Are we too demanding when it comes to dating?

    Is it actually asking too much to want to be wanted for your mind AND (or despite if that's where you're at) your body? I expect any man I'm with to appreciate who I am as a person and drool over how I look. Both are essential to me. If weight is a significant factor in your life, how is it...
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    Are we too demanding when it comes to dating?

    I'm glad to see that this thread has actually returned to discussing the topic that was introduced by the OP! Why is this kind of contentious posting being permitted on a protected forum? Would the reverse fly on the FA/FFA forum? BTW, I don't think expecting too much from a prospective...
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    Farm Town nerdiness

    I am COMPLETELY addicted. Currently at level 25 and looking forward to being able to plant carrots, peppers, and pineapples. just put in a lovely orchard of apple trees. However, I can see how this game will be shortly not challenging at all (i.e. Berna's problem). I agree with James... once...