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  1. rollhandler

    I Feel I Can Share

    I am very sorry to hear of your loss. Many happy thoughts being sent your way. Rollhandler
  2. rollhandler

    Favorite eerie songs of ghouls, mahem and demented halloween fun

    Ahh, How could I forget Napoleon IVX? I must also include Dead Skunk by Loudon Wainwright III who also (as a bit of trivia) was featured as a bit player on the M*A*S*H series in a couple of episodes. I started listening to Dr Demento around 1977 as a wee lad of 10 or 11. I remember placing my...
  3. rollhandler

    A question for the FFA...

    I believe it has more to do with acceptability of preference by gender biased society views. Since it is more acceptable for men to be larger than women it is also by extension more acceptable for the women who adore them to do so with less notice or ridicule. If this truly is the case then...
  4. rollhandler

    Discretion being the better part of valor.

    Thank you to those who have provided information in this regard. It has been very supportive and helpful. Ms Risible: thank you especially for pointing me in the direction of those links. I have no doubt they will prove to be an outstanding resource to myself and others I have dealings with...
  5. rollhandler

    Discretion being the better part of valor.

    Thanks, I will add those to my quest. Rollhandler
  6. rollhandler

    Discretion being the better part of valor.

    I never know why people come to me especially women with these types of womens health issue questions, but the fact that she came to me instead of discussing the issue with other female friends fat or otherwise leads me to believe there is an element of trust that she has regarding me that she...
  7. rollhandler

    Discretion being the better part of valor.

    I am looking within this forum for a woman who has an intimate knowledge of her parts, and female issues regarding specifically women of size, or one who has an excellent GYN that is willing to discuss issues openly and frankly (without size being the only reason for everything that ails) that...
  8. rollhandler

    Internet forum abbreviations, spelled out.

    STFU = Shut The Fuck Up WTF = What The Fuck?
  9. rollhandler

    FA Myths thread # 4

    From my experiences online and in the real world, I have only ever heard this myth implied by BBWs, and more directly from the uninitiated or ignorant (defined as uninformed and/or uneducated) non FAs who question what actually drives an FAs preference. It would seem that with all the women...
  10. rollhandler

    BBW's, FA's and acceptance and forgiveness

    I have been considering a post for this thread since its inception, but what to say and how to word it sometimes takes me a while. One thing that I have learned about posting answers in this forum is that one should not read and make reactionary posts. That's when the stress of a day gets...
  11. rollhandler

    A question about closet cases regarding bbw and ssbbw

    For many it is an issue of self admission. In this case the preference is seen as aberrant behaviour that must be controlled or perversion fantasy that can and should be denied oneself for acceptance in society. It is a projection of how they feel they will be treated by others if they admitted...
  12. rollhandler

    New Movie Precious

    Thank you for the information about this movie being released. I have anticipated seeing it since the Cannes festival thread and plan on taking my lady to see it with me once it gets to the theatre in our area. Rollhandler
  13. rollhandler

    Favorite eerie songs of ghouls, mahem and demented halloween fun

    Absolutely loved A Gorey Demise, I'm gonna try to search it up now. Thanks Rollhandler
  14. rollhandler

    Silly Love Studies

    In one study I heard over the radio, it was stated that Relationships involving a thinner partner and a larger partner last longer than relationships with both partners the same size. I personally don't believe size has much bearing in a relationship for a measure of durability, it does give...
  15. rollhandler

    Abandonment Issues and How They Affect Your Life

    Though in rereading your original post I see your point about emotional unavailability although I followed it to the wrong conclusion. Sorry to have posted in error. And, thank you for the correction, and for showing me another angle to view the behaviours that I may have misinterpreted from...
  16. rollhandler

    What made me into an FA?

    In my case emerging from the womb was full of things hard, cold and frightening and the fat nurse looked soo soft, warm, and safe, that I imprinted on her. Or maybe I just looked at her tits and thought, "BUFFET"!!!!! Rollhandler P.S. Anyone that knows me knows the part about the tits is a...
  17. rollhandler

    Testing, Testing

    I don't play that game either and hate it when someone else wants me to, by testing me. It does amaze me however to see that in relationship after relationship some never gain the maturity or self confidence to stop playing manipulative games with their partners and their futures. I fully agree...
  18. rollhandler

    Favorite eerie songs of ghouls, mahem and demented halloween fun

    Tis the season. What are your favorite Halloween season songs? I will start the list off with Tom Lehrer: I hold your hand in mine The Irish Ballad The Hunting song All comedies of course but aren't they the most fun for this time of year? Rollhandler
  19. rollhandler

    Testing, Testing

    For the ladies AND the menfolks. I have heard stories of women testing a mans fidelity by conspiring with a girlfriend to see how their guy will act if a woman made a pass at them. I have heard of men breaking up with a woman to see if she cared enough to fight for him to come back. I have...
  20. rollhandler

    Abandonment Issues and How They Affect Your Life

    Self defeating, self deprecating, and pre-emptive rejection behaviours such as what you describe are common amongst people in relationships they feel they are not worthy of having due to being rejected or abandoned emotionally multiple times or deep emotionally traumatic rejections. The need for...