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  1. Kortana

    Iron Foodee Challenge for June '08

    Here is the best summer salad ever! 4 cups broccoli flowerettes 1/2 cup red onion or 2-4 green onions 2 celery sticks 1/2 lb. bacon 1/2 cup raisins 1/2 cup chopped nuts or sunflower seeds(optional) Dressing: 1 cup mayonnaise or mix 50/50 with yogurt 1/4-1/3 cup vinegar or lemon...
  2. Kortana

    Weight Board Confessional

    I really don't think it has anything to do with fitting into society- it has to do with your own life's goals. If my goal is to be a VP of a company and I am doing everything I can- am qualified, educated and such... but continuously get overlooked - what would you start to think...
  3. Kortana

    Weight Board Confessional

    Girl..your not the only one! I, for one, know exactly how you feel. No matter what little haven's like Dimensions you may have to escape your insecurities. Unfortnately you can not carry all your supporters in your pocket when you enter that business meeting where people treat you differently...
  4. Kortana

    Airplane seats ? Helppp lol

    Leila, Check your pm's!
  5. Kortana

    Grand Theft Auto has Feederism?

    HAHAHA...can you imagine if the stategy guide did say something?!?! For all you feeders out there we have given you some props, just go to channel 43 on the tele and check it out! LOL
  6. Kortana

    Grand Theft Auto has Feederism?

    OK- not quite BUT...my boyfriend was playing tonight and in the game you can relax and watch the TV and see what it going on in Liberty City. One one TV commercial there is a camera spanning across a magazine and there is a very Fat woman in a sexual pose wearing a gold bikini and on the bottom...
  7. Kortana

    Is 750 lbs. an acceptable weight for an SSBBW?

    You know...I love these types of discussions. As you read them they get you boiled up and you want to spit all sorts of acusations and defenses but do I consider it an argument? No..it's a discussion...you can agree with some points and disagree with others. A friend once told that me that...
  8. Kortana

    to hair or not to hair

    I am not fond of hair..on me. I have everything waxed. I have gotten very used to it now...except a brazillian...you just never get used to that!!!!!!
  9. Kortana

    Is 750 lbs. an acceptable weight for an SSBBW?

    Seriously- I think the guy had some valid questions. He is obviously new and do you remember when you were new and had lots of questions about what you were thinking and feeling? Personally I think he came to the right place to ask it, why is everyone jumping all over him? It would also be...
  10. Kortana

    The Word "FAT"

    Techinically referring to a human though (notice technically) Other Big Fat good things? PILLOWS!
  11. Kortana

    "Movie Watchers" Baker's Dozen

    13. Dirty Dancing!!
  12. Kortana

    "Movie Watchers" Baker's Dozen

    As a tribute- can I start it? Next top 12 movies starring Harrison Ford! 1. Star Wars Episode 3!
  13. Kortana

    The Word "FAT"

    I was just thinking about it. I really like it..I mean only on humans is it considered negative. If you had a big fat donut, it would be a good thing. I love the word! WHat do you think?
  14. Kortana


    I worked for years in that "Boys Club" sales environment- even though my sales were much higher than the men's I was never accepted, I have a sneaking suspision is was beause of weight more so than being a woman. So I walked away and went to a more professional company. A good sales person...
  15. Kortana

    Secret Warm Spots

    So I have gained about 40lbs during the winter months. Although I am not an active gainer I enjoy food and have a feeder BF I am sure it all contributes. I am in no way sad about this...I am comfy with my new pounds. One thing I have noticed that I have started doing is tucking my hands...
  16. Kortana

    Fat Talk

    When I first started dating my first FA boyfriend (currently still together) I was very taken aback by the tummy rubbing, grabbing and such. It's not that I didn't like it it was simply very new. He would use cute words to describe me like Puffy and fluffy. As we really got to know each other...
  17. Kortana

    The Reality Of Dating An SSBBW

    And THAT is why you are the Queen! ;)
  18. Kortana

    The Reality Of Dating An SSBBW

    You said it Sister! Just alittle public rep. on this post!
  19. Kortana

    Any BBW & SSBBW clothing stores in T.O.?

    She also has a great online store where you can purchase all her lines. enjoy:) maximumwoman.com
  20. Kortana

    The Reality Of Dating An SSBBW

    I was so confused and thought it was a joke. When I realized it wasn't I just threw a $20 on the table and said I had to go. Blah...you learn!