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  1. Lardibutts

    Story Illustrations?

    I usually write having drawn a sketch ot two to generate the spirit of the piece. But in this format (as far as I can gather) only text is accepted. If you want to post your pic you have to go to the Fine Arts section and upload the jpg image there. When I've done this I link the story and the...
  2. Lardibutts

    The Arrangement - by katedlionhearted (~BHM, Stuffing, Erotica)

    Oh dear, I really walked into that one! There I was thinking I was offering a sardonic comment on a well written fantasy w.g. fiction posting, not a partially autobiographical piece. Were this to be total fantasy I’d have her in the next episode get him to draw up a watertight pre-nup...
  3. Lardibutts

    Looking for fatty fanfiction?

    Very sorry :doh: I shouldn't have pushed you into into posting such personal stuff. WOW do I never think before opening my big fat mouth! Speaking for myself: I probably do my WG fiction when I am a bit in retreat from the real world. I don't know whether it is therapeutic to escape into my...
  4. Lardibutts

    BOTH The Weight Loss Surgery Clinic - by Fat Molly (~BBW ~BHM ~~WG ~Eating)

    Thank you. Thank you. That was plenty "super-soon" enough for me. It is a great idea for a story - WLS is such a spooky dark area :eek: just waiting for a topsy turvy fantasy :eat2:
  5. Lardibutts

    Looking for fatty fanfiction?

    :bow: I'm pointing you here! :bow: [/B][/SIZE] Never mind that Fanfic it can wait. Come on Molly, we want the next episode.... ...And when do we want it? NOW !
  6. Lardibutts

    Chocolate Lovers - by Lardibutts (SSBBW (multiple), Explicit sex, lactation)

    17 a hill of fat They’d decided it was weigh in time again. "Who goes first?" "What about you Double L?" Meena groped playfully at Flavia’s gigantic bust, her hands plunging deep into wondrously pneumatic breast flesh . "Ouch!” Flavia squeaked, trying to clutch at the sides of...
  7. Lardibutts

    Chocolate Lovers - by Lardibutts (SSBBW (multiple), Explicit sex, lactation)

    16 bursting out of all her clothes Flavia was still gaining rapidly. Meena thought ‘Flavia’s getting so big. She's huge, I've been doing all I can to keep her mobile. Sooner or later that huge girl is going to have to slow down. I don't know how she does it.' "Hon... Sometimes I...
  8. Lardibutts

    Help my story seem more real

    That's a plausable gaining quote from "Hotel New Orleans" - a brilliant story. It really should be made into a film.
  9. Lardibutts

    Chocolate Lovers - by Lardibutts (SSBBW (multiple), Explicit sex, lactation)

    Part 15 into the big time In truth, ever since he’d got stuffed up at Flavia’s birthday party, Signor Manciate had grown more and more eccentric (not to say unhinged), his appearance increasingly bizarre. His spherical paunch was grotesque; it kept on growing at the expense of the rest of...
  10. Lardibutts

    Saw XLVII - by elroycohen (~BBW, Force Feeding, Lactation, Horror)

    My mum taught me to take everything extremely seriously. And I've just read this story in a darkened room.....phew! OMG my nipples! something's happening.... :eat2:
  11. Lardibutts

    Chocolate Lovers - by Lardibutts (SSBBW (multiple), Explicit sex, lactation)

    Here is some more of MAGM's original dialogue: 14 staying on Flavia’s year out from her studies in Pannecotterra was drawing to a close. In one week’s time she was due to enrol in a Bachelor in Economics and Management Sciences course at the University of Bolzano close to home up in Alto...
  12. Lardibutts

    Chocolate Lovers - by Lardibutts (SSBBW (multiple), Explicit sex, lactation)

    Part 13 Three hundred up! Flavia had more than adequately filled out the role of Front Of House Manager in the shop over the months since Signor Manciate had told her “We just need you to look right, showcasing our little business”. Showcasing was what she did best. In filling the shop...
  13. Lardibutts

    Chocolate Lovers - by Lardibutts (SSBBW (multiple), Explicit sex, lactation)

    Thank you: try this next one for size sir...
  14. Lardibutts

    Fantasy Variation - by Ghostly-Spectre (~BBW, ~~WG, ~Sex)

    Really interesting! It pushed all those buttons for me, very original.
  15. Lardibutts

    The Arrangement - by katedlionhearted (~BHM, Stuffing, Erotica)

    As a sceptical Brit: I think you are the one getting screwed - forwards, backwards and sideways. If I understand it right, you are paying him thru law skool by working 19 hours a day (inc. driving time). So after all your fun and games you'll be back on the road utterly 'shagged out' in 3...
  16. Lardibutts

    Chocolate Lovers - by Lardibutts (SSBBW (multiple), Explicit sex, lactation)

    Part 12 Flavia’s big boobs project Meena agreed enthusiastically, “I’d love to give you really big boobs. We’ll see what we can do." Meena kissed Flavia who hugged her back excitedly, "Great." "If I can get hold of some extra special roots and start you on really concentrated...
  17. Lardibutts

    Chocolate Lovers - by Lardibutts (SSBBW (multiple), Explicit sex, lactation)

    Part 11 Flavia “accelerates” We left Flavia at the end of the last part footsore and exhausted after her first day’s exposure to customers. Since then Maria retired to go off to have her baby, leaving Flavia to reign supreme as Front of House manager with a chastened Signor Manciate...
  18. Lardibutts

    Realistic descrptions

    Ah yes! I remember, Lady GaGa. Got you pinpointed. I'm a fan of Lady GG, I was disappointed she didn't like being supersized in your story. In the best w.g. stories the XWG lass always enjoys the outcome despite maybe her earlier doubts. The best guy at visualising over 1000lbs is "The...
  19. Lardibutts

    The Fat Lady - by ade198325 (~BBW, ~~WG, Male to Female)

    Ha! I've got company, "remakes" are suddenly all the rage. Here is the original.
  20. Lardibutts

    Realistic descrptions

    OK: Estimated body dims for a pear April was a stunning Canadian lady who appeared for a short time on dims Height 5’ 4” Weight 260 lbs Bust 44” Waist 40” Hip 64” Memorable feature: her 5' 4" hip measurement equalled her height - exciting huh? Once you locate a suitable...