Active Member
~BBW, ~~WG, ~Sex - Fanatsy fulfilled
Author’s Note: This is a very experimental story. It's supposed to be though provoking and a bit difficult to understand all at once.
“So tell me about it?” Tom asked.
“Tell you about what?” Alexi replied coyly.
“You know. The fantasy…” Tom said impatiently.
“What fantasy, Tom?” Alexi said playfully while turning her head away from her boyfriend.
“Oh, Alexi, it doesn’t matter. Whatever fantasy you’d like,” he said, while stroking her shoulder affectionately.
“Why do you always like talking about them?” Alexi inquired.
“Well…” Tom began, “I just like knowing how you think, and why. It gives me a thrill to know what exactly gets you off. And…and I also get a little thrill knowing that we can do it. Knowing that we can act it out and make it real in some way.”
“Not every fantasy can be performed, Tom. What if I wanted to make love to you on the Moon?” Alexi replied, giggling.
“You? You’d never choose something so impractical. Besides even if you had your mind set on something such as that, we could go one of those airplane rides where you temporarily love gravitation sensation. I’d find a way to make it happen for you, baby.”
“Oh, Tom…you’re so sweet. What makes you so full of love?” Alexi responded.
“Well, think about it. Fantasies are some of the most personal feelings a human being can experience. The desire to fulfill them has driven men and women to extreme lengths. If you love someone and you know what really makes them feel alive in that way, why would you not want to help understand and satiate those desires?” Tom was learning into Alexi’s back now, gently stroking her hair and whispering into her ear.
“Ok,” Alexi relented, “let’s imagine. Let’s make it real.”
“Only if we get to analyze it throughout,” Tom stipulated.
“You and your analysis. Isn’t this supposed to be about fun?” Alexi whined.
“Analysis IS fun!” Tom exclaimed.
“That’s what I love about you, Tom. Your big brain.” Alexi cooed, and the world around them faded away.
“Faster! We aren’t paying you to sit around all day, I reckon.” Alexi tended to her washing as her taskmaster yelled his orders out. She finished her work as soon as possible and headed out the door, glad to be done with her day of maid’s work.
Alexi was miserable and destitute, which perhaps described the majority of women at the dawn of the 20th century in America. It was the guided age, an era the moneyed monopolists and the meager mourning masses…
“Nice one,” Alexi shouted out to her narrator.
What, a quintuple alliteration? Yeah, well I just couldn’t resist…
“Back to the fantasy.” Alexi beckoned.
“But it’s your fantasy. I don’t know what to do.”
Alexi headed off to the courthouse. Today she was to attend to the will and testament of her great uncle, a man she had never known in his life. It was rumored that he had put by some wealth, and she was his only living relative – so she was understandably eager to find out if this was, at long last, her ticket out of poverty.
Well, in short order, she got the information – it turns out he was quite a wealthy man indeed. So wealthy, that young Alexi would never have to work again in that washroom. She nearly kissed the judge for joy.
She wasn’t quite sure what to do with the money at first. Travel? Buying a home? Decent clothes? Instead, she opted to attend Thomas’s Academy, a special school for girls who wished to join upper echelon society.
Ok, time out.
“So your desire is to alleviate poverty by gaining wealth through no hard work of your own, use this wealth to avoid future hard work, and then change yourself so you can hobnob with rich snobs?” Tom sneered
“Tom, you always know how to wreck the mood. I was nervous sharing this one with you anyway…” Alexi muttered.
“I know, I’m sorry. It just seems so…anti-feminist.”
“True, and you have a point if that was the entire story it would be quite lame. But that part of the story is unimportant. It’s just a set up,” Alexi explained.
“A set up for what? A Jane Austin novel?” Tom teased.
“No, of course not. I’ll get to the sexy part soon enough, don’t you worry.”
Alexi walked into the building and was confronted by a tall, spindly man with wavy blonde hair and a fancy looking lavender tuxedo.
“What have we here,” he said with a slightly affected, almost British accent. “Are you lost?” The man said in a polite, but slightly condescending tone. Alexi relished it, knowing it would make his kissing up to her all the more delicious when he found out who she was.
“Actually I’m Alexi...Delphi.”
“Delphi?” The man said, his eyes widening. “As in, the Delphi inheritance?” Alexi responded by nodding. “Oh, please forgive my rudeness, had I but known…”
“Think nothing of it, my friend,” she responded, taking his hand. “But as you can see, I have a common background. I’m in need of some…refinement, if you will, if I am to join polite society.”
“Well, yes, you know, awareness is indeed the first step, and I see you have that, that’s good. I certainly think, you know, we could do some work…We…I…would be quite happy to have you join us.”
Staying at the Academy’s room was quite an experience for Alexi. The rooms were far nicer than she had ever known. The bed was a near cocoon of silk, while ornaments of gold and silver ornately decorated the room.
The next morning Alexi was summoned to Thomas’s room to be “examined.” He looked her over the way a farmer might look at a developing pumpkin.
“What kind of proper education have you undergone?” He inquired.
“None. My parents pulled my out of third grade to help with the factory.” He shook his head.
“Oh, how they ought to hurry up and pass those child labor laws already! And your manners, how are they, any formal training whatsoever?”
Again, Alexi shook her head.
“Hmm, unfortunate. Let’s take a look at your body, then.” Before Alexi could react, he pulled off her robe and looked at her in nothing but her undergarments.
Like most poverty stricken people of her era, Alexi was both underfed and undernourished. Her eyes had dark circles under them from lack of sleep and lack of vitamins. Her hair was dull and greasy looking. Her skin was wan and pale, and looked pinched at tight around her body. She was so thin that her skeletal frame was visible, and the thinness made all womanly curves had vanished from her body. Apart from her height, she didn’t look like a woman, she looked like a child, one whom puberty had yet to touch. In short, she was unfed, unhealthy, and had nothing that a modern gentleman of her time would find appealing.
“Well, we clearly have some work to do, don’t we?” Thomas said. “We need to help you expand as a lady. Expand your mind, expand your manners, and expand your body.”
“I’m eager and ready for whatever you feel is needed,” Alexi acquiesced.
“That’s good,” Thomas purred, “That’s very good. Your willful compliance will make this all be so much easier, so much more fun, so much more…satisfying.”
Alexi could feel herself grow hot. She was putty in his hands and he was going to shape her in beautiful ways. And she would astound even him.
“And one thing…your name is actually Alexandra, correct?”
She nodded.
“Good, let’s have you go by that from now on.
Of course of these three, growing manners was by far the most boring, but even this had its upsides. She felt her heart pound ever time his gloved hands touched hers, guiding her palms to this fork or that. It didn’t matter so long as he was touching her.
Growing her mind was certainly more fun. To test her mental strength, she was learning to play chess. Her first few games were embarrassing losses, but slowly she was getting the hang of the game. She loved to see the sweat start to form on his furrowed brow as he struggled to find the right move to stymie her attacks. He was deliberately attempting to make sure he won all the games, even though she was improving rapidly. He so wanted to preserve the student-teacher dynamic, even though Alexandra was doing everything she could to bring it down.
Of course the most immediately pleasurable activity was her physical beautification. For the first time since she couldn’t remember, she had enough to eat! She had a chance to partake in fresh fruits and vegetables from around the globe, and before long her youth and vim returned to her.
And desserts! Alexandra had so rarely eaten them before in her life. Desserts were a luxury only for the rich. But they were for her, now…There was so many to try! Chocolates, cakes, pies, ice cream, gelato, crème brulee…the list went on and on.
Before long she was a changed woman, starting to surprise Thomas with some starting curves. She was beginning to fill out her fancy dresses, and in clothing and in appearance, to become a real woman.
“More exposition?” Tom asked.
“Oh, hush, you, I was just getting into it,” Alexi whined.
“Just let me know, does this fantasy involve sex?” Tom asked.
“Well, yeah, but that’s not the focus of the fantasy,” Alexi responded.
“Well, so that I may perform it with accuracy, what is?”
“It’s an abandonment of becoming a martyr for my issues. I want to be proud in a traditional sense, not in a defiant sense, for a change. It’s about thinking about a time in which I could have been born and transforming into who I am today – and being appreciated. It’s also about a power struggle, a student and a teacher relationship transformed,” Alexi elaborated.
“I heard that word transformed twice. Is that a big focus for you.”
“Yes, it’s a big thing in several fantasies of mine. I love transformations and certainly love the idea of someone lovingly transforming me into a perfect woman…and then, in real life, I happen to be that perfect woman.”
“You are?” Tom asked
“Yes, I am. Well I am polite and quite smart, but looking as I do I like the idea of it being classically appreciated, as it once was.”
“It once was?” Tom asked incredulously.
“Oh yes, these salons are not just of my imagination. Just one hundred years ago they had weight gain beauty salons in the United States. But enough history. Back to my fantasy,” Alexi demanded.
“And to think you were initially reluctant to bring it up…” Tom teased.
“Well I figured you wouldn’t quite understand, and you’d make silly jokes, both of which you’ve done…” Alexi scolded. “But you seemed eager and I feel like by the end you’ll like it.”
“As much as I’ve teased you I really do like it already,” Tom said.
The weeks and weeks flew by. Alexandra no longer knew how long she had been there but she knew that she was close to breaking Thomas. She was going to beat him in chess and then force him to break his silly little rule about not sleeping with his clients.
“All right, let’s play chess,” Thomas said. “You move first.”
Alexandra played 1.e4, the standard move for the brave player. Thomas responded with 1…c6, the Caro-Kann, considered one of the safest and most defensive replies. She followed with 2.e4, claiming the center of the board, and then he replied with 2…d5, challenging that center.
The next move was a shock. Alexandra played 3.f3, bringing the game into the realm of the Fantasy Variation.
“Hold it,” Tom said. “The fantasy variation?”
“Yes,” Alexi replied. “The fantasy variation.”
“There can’t possibly be a chess strategy with that name.”
“Yes, there is! It’s a slightly unorthodox attempt to further consolidate control of the center at the cost of weakening the kingside castled position and temporarily obstructing a natural square for the knight. Despite its offbeat nature, its actually one of the highest scoring responses to the Caro-Kann.”
“All, right…I guess you’re serious….” Tom sighed.
“Back to the game, alright?” Alexi asked.
“Ah, the fantasy variation,” Thomas said. “Why did you pick that reply…did you not know that it obstructs a…good square for your knight?”
“Yes, but I’m playing it anyway, Thomas. Try and stop me.”
“There’s that combative spirit again…” Thomas replied, and then contemplated his next move.
The game continued in a similar vein to this one, for those interested:
“I win,” Alexi boasted, as she sacrificed her Queen in a checkmating combination.
Thomas gazed upon his student. She was cultured now, though her fighting spirit seemed to blaze through any real attempt to sustain her good manners. Her mind had blossomed to the point where now she was capable even of outplaying him in chess.
And her body had expanded as well, in a myriad of delicious and beautiful ways.
“This is my favorite part,” Alexi said, practically panting. “Describe me. Tell me how gorgeous I am…”
“This is my favorite part too,” Tom replied, as he ran his hands over her now naked body.
Thomas looked at his student and mentally catalogued her changes. Her cheeks were rounder, almost cherubic. The apple-shaped puffy cheeks gave her a sweeter smile, perfectly framed with her slightly softer and barely noticeable double chin. Her arms were soft and thick and eminently squeezable. Her bust had grown into two bountiful orbs of femininity. Her waist was soft and puffy, perfect for touching, stroking, squeezing, holding, or grinding one’s pelvis into. Her hips were wider and rounder, all the more likely to be perceived as perfect for baring children. Her thighs were creamy, thick, round and soft – like heaven to be squeezed between.
Thomas admired the woman he helped fulfill as Tom kissed and touched the woman he helped fulfill her fantasies. With each body part, he offered a tender kiss and caress. Alexi was trembling and gasping for air.
Alexandra tore open her dress and ripped her corset, causing her large breasts to spring free. She lunged forwards towards Thomas, hitting the chessboard mid-stride and causing the pieces to fly everywhere. She buried Thomas’s head in her bosoms as he pushed Alexi down on the floor. Alexandra wrestled Thomas against the wall and crushed him in her loving embrace as Tom pinned Alexi down and nibbled her neck and ears.
Alexi allowed her body to go limp and still as Tom began to mount her. Alexandra continued to be aggressive, feeling Thomas’s body pressed up against the wall, or sitting down on the floor, or underneath her completely. As Tom’s strong arms pulled her close, Alexandra could tell that Thomas’s body as weaker than hers. As Tom conquered Alexi mind and her body, Alexi felt herself conquering Thomas. The satisfaction was building up in both women. Or perhaps, most accurately, one’s satisfaction was becoming the other. But which woman was which in that equation?
That thought set off both women. Alexi came with a whimper and Alexandra came with a roar. Their men soon followed them. Tom was clearly exhausted, curling up and already almost asleep. But Thomas was wide awake.
“So much for Tom’s analysis,” Thomas said. “I suppose when the blood drained from his brain that all went out the window.”
“Yes – but did I not tell him everything about the fantasy? Did I hide it deliberately, or did we simply get distracted?” Alexandra asked, taking over Tom’s role as analyzer in chief.
“Oh, I don’t know…” Thomas coyly replied.
“Yes you do. This is the fantasy. The whole thing. You and me, she and him. He fulfilled it. One could not exist without the other. It can’t all be real. Just as I can’t turn Alexi into Alexandra, I can’t turn you into Tom.”
“Are you saying that the fantasy itself is part of the fantasy?” Thomas asked.
“Yes, I suppose I am,” Alexandra admitted.
“Well, then – let me ask. Why is it that the fantasy itself is the change that you say can’t happen?”
“Because the ultimate fantasy is the impossible,” Alexandra replied as she held Thomas close. She squeezed him hard, possessively. She pulled her arms together so tightly that he melted away into her, forever a part of joining them together. She squeezed until there was nothing left. Alexandra closed her eyes tightly.
When she opened her eyes, Tom was there beside her, snoring and sleeping soundly. And Alexi was alone.
Author’s Note: This is a very experimental story. It's supposed to be though provoking and a bit difficult to understand all at once.
Fantasy Variation
By Ghostly Specter
By Ghostly Specter
“So tell me about it?” Tom asked.
“Tell you about what?” Alexi replied coyly.
“You know. The fantasy…” Tom said impatiently.
“What fantasy, Tom?” Alexi said playfully while turning her head away from her boyfriend.
“Oh, Alexi, it doesn’t matter. Whatever fantasy you’d like,” he said, while stroking her shoulder affectionately.
“Why do you always like talking about them?” Alexi inquired.
“Well…” Tom began, “I just like knowing how you think, and why. It gives me a thrill to know what exactly gets you off. And…and I also get a little thrill knowing that we can do it. Knowing that we can act it out and make it real in some way.”
“Not every fantasy can be performed, Tom. What if I wanted to make love to you on the Moon?” Alexi replied, giggling.
“You? You’d never choose something so impractical. Besides even if you had your mind set on something such as that, we could go one of those airplane rides where you temporarily love gravitation sensation. I’d find a way to make it happen for you, baby.”
“Oh, Tom…you’re so sweet. What makes you so full of love?” Alexi responded.
“Well, think about it. Fantasies are some of the most personal feelings a human being can experience. The desire to fulfill them has driven men and women to extreme lengths. If you love someone and you know what really makes them feel alive in that way, why would you not want to help understand and satiate those desires?” Tom was learning into Alexi’s back now, gently stroking her hair and whispering into her ear.
“Ok,” Alexi relented, “let’s imagine. Let’s make it real.”
“Only if we get to analyze it throughout,” Tom stipulated.
“You and your analysis. Isn’t this supposed to be about fun?” Alexi whined.
“Analysis IS fun!” Tom exclaimed.
“That’s what I love about you, Tom. Your big brain.” Alexi cooed, and the world around them faded away.
“Faster! We aren’t paying you to sit around all day, I reckon.” Alexi tended to her washing as her taskmaster yelled his orders out. She finished her work as soon as possible and headed out the door, glad to be done with her day of maid’s work.
Alexi was miserable and destitute, which perhaps described the majority of women at the dawn of the 20th century in America. It was the guided age, an era the moneyed monopolists and the meager mourning masses…
“Nice one,” Alexi shouted out to her narrator.
What, a quintuple alliteration? Yeah, well I just couldn’t resist…
“Back to the fantasy.” Alexi beckoned.
“But it’s your fantasy. I don’t know what to do.”
Alexi headed off to the courthouse. Today she was to attend to the will and testament of her great uncle, a man she had never known in his life. It was rumored that he had put by some wealth, and she was his only living relative – so she was understandably eager to find out if this was, at long last, her ticket out of poverty.
Well, in short order, she got the information – it turns out he was quite a wealthy man indeed. So wealthy, that young Alexi would never have to work again in that washroom. She nearly kissed the judge for joy.
She wasn’t quite sure what to do with the money at first. Travel? Buying a home? Decent clothes? Instead, she opted to attend Thomas’s Academy, a special school for girls who wished to join upper echelon society.
Ok, time out.
“So your desire is to alleviate poverty by gaining wealth through no hard work of your own, use this wealth to avoid future hard work, and then change yourself so you can hobnob with rich snobs?” Tom sneered
“Tom, you always know how to wreck the mood. I was nervous sharing this one with you anyway…” Alexi muttered.
“I know, I’m sorry. It just seems so…anti-feminist.”
“True, and you have a point if that was the entire story it would be quite lame. But that part of the story is unimportant. It’s just a set up,” Alexi explained.
“A set up for what? A Jane Austin novel?” Tom teased.
“No, of course not. I’ll get to the sexy part soon enough, don’t you worry.”
Alexi walked into the building and was confronted by a tall, spindly man with wavy blonde hair and a fancy looking lavender tuxedo.
“What have we here,” he said with a slightly affected, almost British accent. “Are you lost?” The man said in a polite, but slightly condescending tone. Alexi relished it, knowing it would make his kissing up to her all the more delicious when he found out who she was.
“Actually I’m Alexi...Delphi.”
“Delphi?” The man said, his eyes widening. “As in, the Delphi inheritance?” Alexi responded by nodding. “Oh, please forgive my rudeness, had I but known…”
“Think nothing of it, my friend,” she responded, taking his hand. “But as you can see, I have a common background. I’m in need of some…refinement, if you will, if I am to join polite society.”
“Well, yes, you know, awareness is indeed the first step, and I see you have that, that’s good. I certainly think, you know, we could do some work…We…I…would be quite happy to have you join us.”
Staying at the Academy’s room was quite an experience for Alexi. The rooms were far nicer than she had ever known. The bed was a near cocoon of silk, while ornaments of gold and silver ornately decorated the room.
The next morning Alexi was summoned to Thomas’s room to be “examined.” He looked her over the way a farmer might look at a developing pumpkin.
“What kind of proper education have you undergone?” He inquired.
“None. My parents pulled my out of third grade to help with the factory.” He shook his head.
“Oh, how they ought to hurry up and pass those child labor laws already! And your manners, how are they, any formal training whatsoever?”
Again, Alexi shook her head.
“Hmm, unfortunate. Let’s take a look at your body, then.” Before Alexi could react, he pulled off her robe and looked at her in nothing but her undergarments.
Like most poverty stricken people of her era, Alexi was both underfed and undernourished. Her eyes had dark circles under them from lack of sleep and lack of vitamins. Her hair was dull and greasy looking. Her skin was wan and pale, and looked pinched at tight around her body. She was so thin that her skeletal frame was visible, and the thinness made all womanly curves had vanished from her body. Apart from her height, she didn’t look like a woman, she looked like a child, one whom puberty had yet to touch. In short, she was unfed, unhealthy, and had nothing that a modern gentleman of her time would find appealing.
“Well, we clearly have some work to do, don’t we?” Thomas said. “We need to help you expand as a lady. Expand your mind, expand your manners, and expand your body.”
“I’m eager and ready for whatever you feel is needed,” Alexi acquiesced.
“That’s good,” Thomas purred, “That’s very good. Your willful compliance will make this all be so much easier, so much more fun, so much more…satisfying.”
Alexi could feel herself grow hot. She was putty in his hands and he was going to shape her in beautiful ways. And she would astound even him.
“And one thing…your name is actually Alexandra, correct?”
She nodded.
“Good, let’s have you go by that from now on.
Of course of these three, growing manners was by far the most boring, but even this had its upsides. She felt her heart pound ever time his gloved hands touched hers, guiding her palms to this fork or that. It didn’t matter so long as he was touching her.
Growing her mind was certainly more fun. To test her mental strength, she was learning to play chess. Her first few games were embarrassing losses, but slowly she was getting the hang of the game. She loved to see the sweat start to form on his furrowed brow as he struggled to find the right move to stymie her attacks. He was deliberately attempting to make sure he won all the games, even though she was improving rapidly. He so wanted to preserve the student-teacher dynamic, even though Alexandra was doing everything she could to bring it down.
Of course the most immediately pleasurable activity was her physical beautification. For the first time since she couldn’t remember, she had enough to eat! She had a chance to partake in fresh fruits and vegetables from around the globe, and before long her youth and vim returned to her.
And desserts! Alexandra had so rarely eaten them before in her life. Desserts were a luxury only for the rich. But they were for her, now…There was so many to try! Chocolates, cakes, pies, ice cream, gelato, crème brulee…the list went on and on.
Before long she was a changed woman, starting to surprise Thomas with some starting curves. She was beginning to fill out her fancy dresses, and in clothing and in appearance, to become a real woman.
“More exposition?” Tom asked.
“Oh, hush, you, I was just getting into it,” Alexi whined.
“Just let me know, does this fantasy involve sex?” Tom asked.
“Well, yeah, but that’s not the focus of the fantasy,” Alexi responded.
“Well, so that I may perform it with accuracy, what is?”
“It’s an abandonment of becoming a martyr for my issues. I want to be proud in a traditional sense, not in a defiant sense, for a change. It’s about thinking about a time in which I could have been born and transforming into who I am today – and being appreciated. It’s also about a power struggle, a student and a teacher relationship transformed,” Alexi elaborated.
“I heard that word transformed twice. Is that a big focus for you.”
“Yes, it’s a big thing in several fantasies of mine. I love transformations and certainly love the idea of someone lovingly transforming me into a perfect woman…and then, in real life, I happen to be that perfect woman.”
“You are?” Tom asked
“Yes, I am. Well I am polite and quite smart, but looking as I do I like the idea of it being classically appreciated, as it once was.”
“It once was?” Tom asked incredulously.
“Oh yes, these salons are not just of my imagination. Just one hundred years ago they had weight gain beauty salons in the United States. But enough history. Back to my fantasy,” Alexi demanded.
“And to think you were initially reluctant to bring it up…” Tom teased.
“Well I figured you wouldn’t quite understand, and you’d make silly jokes, both of which you’ve done…” Alexi scolded. “But you seemed eager and I feel like by the end you’ll like it.”
“As much as I’ve teased you I really do like it already,” Tom said.
The weeks and weeks flew by. Alexandra no longer knew how long she had been there but she knew that she was close to breaking Thomas. She was going to beat him in chess and then force him to break his silly little rule about not sleeping with his clients.
“All right, let’s play chess,” Thomas said. “You move first.”
Alexandra played 1.e4, the standard move for the brave player. Thomas responded with 1…c6, the Caro-Kann, considered one of the safest and most defensive replies. She followed with 2.e4, claiming the center of the board, and then he replied with 2…d5, challenging that center.
The next move was a shock. Alexandra played 3.f3, bringing the game into the realm of the Fantasy Variation.
“Hold it,” Tom said. “The fantasy variation?”
“Yes,” Alexi replied. “The fantasy variation.”
“There can’t possibly be a chess strategy with that name.”
“Yes, there is! It’s a slightly unorthodox attempt to further consolidate control of the center at the cost of weakening the kingside castled position and temporarily obstructing a natural square for the knight. Despite its offbeat nature, its actually one of the highest scoring responses to the Caro-Kann.”
“All, right…I guess you’re serious….” Tom sighed.
“Back to the game, alright?” Alexi asked.
“Ah, the fantasy variation,” Thomas said. “Why did you pick that reply…did you not know that it obstructs a…good square for your knight?”
“Yes, but I’m playing it anyway, Thomas. Try and stop me.”
“There’s that combative spirit again…” Thomas replied, and then contemplated his next move.
The game continued in a similar vein to this one, for those interested:
“I win,” Alexi boasted, as she sacrificed her Queen in a checkmating combination.
Thomas gazed upon his student. She was cultured now, though her fighting spirit seemed to blaze through any real attempt to sustain her good manners. Her mind had blossomed to the point where now she was capable even of outplaying him in chess.
And her body had expanded as well, in a myriad of delicious and beautiful ways.
“This is my favorite part,” Alexi said, practically panting. “Describe me. Tell me how gorgeous I am…”
“This is my favorite part too,” Tom replied, as he ran his hands over her now naked body.
Thomas looked at his student and mentally catalogued her changes. Her cheeks were rounder, almost cherubic. The apple-shaped puffy cheeks gave her a sweeter smile, perfectly framed with her slightly softer and barely noticeable double chin. Her arms were soft and thick and eminently squeezable. Her bust had grown into two bountiful orbs of femininity. Her waist was soft and puffy, perfect for touching, stroking, squeezing, holding, or grinding one’s pelvis into. Her hips were wider and rounder, all the more likely to be perceived as perfect for baring children. Her thighs were creamy, thick, round and soft – like heaven to be squeezed between.
Thomas admired the woman he helped fulfill as Tom kissed and touched the woman he helped fulfill her fantasies. With each body part, he offered a tender kiss and caress. Alexi was trembling and gasping for air.
Alexandra tore open her dress and ripped her corset, causing her large breasts to spring free. She lunged forwards towards Thomas, hitting the chessboard mid-stride and causing the pieces to fly everywhere. She buried Thomas’s head in her bosoms as he pushed Alexi down on the floor. Alexandra wrestled Thomas against the wall and crushed him in her loving embrace as Tom pinned Alexi down and nibbled her neck and ears.
Alexi allowed her body to go limp and still as Tom began to mount her. Alexandra continued to be aggressive, feeling Thomas’s body pressed up against the wall, or sitting down on the floor, or underneath her completely. As Tom’s strong arms pulled her close, Alexandra could tell that Thomas’s body as weaker than hers. As Tom conquered Alexi mind and her body, Alexi felt herself conquering Thomas. The satisfaction was building up in both women. Or perhaps, most accurately, one’s satisfaction was becoming the other. But which woman was which in that equation?
That thought set off both women. Alexi came with a whimper and Alexandra came with a roar. Their men soon followed them. Tom was clearly exhausted, curling up and already almost asleep. But Thomas was wide awake.
“So much for Tom’s analysis,” Thomas said. “I suppose when the blood drained from his brain that all went out the window.”
“Yes – but did I not tell him everything about the fantasy? Did I hide it deliberately, or did we simply get distracted?” Alexandra asked, taking over Tom’s role as analyzer in chief.
“Oh, I don’t know…” Thomas coyly replied.
“Yes you do. This is the fantasy. The whole thing. You and me, she and him. He fulfilled it. One could not exist without the other. It can’t all be real. Just as I can’t turn Alexi into Alexandra, I can’t turn you into Tom.”
“Are you saying that the fantasy itself is part of the fantasy?” Thomas asked.
“Yes, I suppose I am,” Alexandra admitted.
“Well, then – let me ask. Why is it that the fantasy itself is the change that you say can’t happen?”
“Because the ultimate fantasy is the impossible,” Alexandra replied as she held Thomas close. She squeezed him hard, possessively. She pulled her arms together so tightly that he melted away into her, forever a part of joining them together. She squeezed until there was nothing left. Alexandra closed her eyes tightly.
When she opened her eyes, Tom was there beside her, snoring and sleeping soundly. And Alexi was alone.