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  1. Keb

    Germany has too many houswives warns EU

    Japan has a really low birthrate and a really high percentage of stay-at-home-moms. While a correlation would seem logical, it's apparently not there.
  2. Keb

    Virgin Roll Call

    In modern western society, being a virgin after about 17 is largely treated as some kind of failure. I often feel like I'm the only person my age who hasn't had sex yet, and it's an incredibly lonely feeling, even when I am sure that my reasons for waiting are good ones. (Sometimes I'm forced to...
  3. Keb

    Are you smarter than an atheist?

    Well, atheists (as a general trend, not all of them) tend to claim superior intelligence a lot...and, since many of them came to their current belief/lack of same after a period of questioning and exploring different faiths, they often do have a strong knowledge base when it comes to world...
  4. Keb

    Are you smarter than an atheist?

    Hm, can't compare with that. I only got 30/32. Christian here. Apparently I don't know quite enough about major Jewish figures or Indonesia. On the other hand, I now know a bit more about Maimonedes and Indonesia, so the quiz was a net benefit!
  5. Keb

    Hell with Jobs -- Abortions are More Important

    Some interesting data about how Americans view abortion. Apparently over half of us claim to be pro-choice, but over half of us also believe that abortion is morally wrong, and should either not be legal or be legal in few situations. The trends that Gallup has noted might help explain why...
  6. Keb

    Hell with Jobs -- Abortions are More Important

    I struggle to see how that's any different from Caylee's having been aborted. It's certainly tragic, and Caylee's grandmother should have allowed her to be adopted by a family that would care for her and love her.
  7. Keb

    Hell with Jobs -- Abortions are More Important

    I just can't believe that an abortion--the decision to kill a newly formed life--wouldn't stay with a person just as long. And a baby isn't a symbol. It is a person, full of potential and life. A youth in this situation needs guidance and support, both before and after an abortion or a...
  8. Keb

    Hell with Jobs -- Abortions are More Important

    In an ideal world, there wouldn't be any need for abortion, ever. In a slightly less-than-ideal world, nobody would ever choose abortion, even if occasionally it was medically necessary. Wanting to terminate wouldn't come into it in a world even close to ideal.
  9. Keb

    Hell with Jobs -- Abortions are More Important

    Fair enough--if a teen is old enough to have other kinds of medical procedures sans parental knowledge/consent, then insofar as abortion is a medical procedure, it should fall under those same rules. But when you're talking about the US, you're talking about a country where a 17 year old...
  10. Keb

    Sluts deserve rape

    Why not teach girls to be safe and smart, while teaching boys to be smart and respectful and, yanno, not criminal? The idea that women should be allowed to do whatever they like, free of any consequences, might be a nice ideal, but we don't live in a world where that works. The double...
  11. Keb

    Too Fat to Fly

    I flew this weekend, requested extenders on each flight, was packed in with the other sardines, and while the seats were uncomfortable (especially on the last flight), I got by just fine. Nobody was rude to me, and nobody asked me to buy another seat. I was on United, btw.
  12. Keb

    What do you want to do with your life?

    I want to get married, have a few kids of my own and be a foster mother. I want to write novels that lots of people want to read. I'd like to go back to Japan to visit every now and then. Of course, in the immediate future, I want to do well in grad school, impart knowledge and a love of the...
  13. Keb

    Osama Bin Laden is Confirmed Dead!!!!

    I'm listening to the president right now. I don't quite know how to feel about this. I'm glad that he cannot harm anyone again, though.
  14. Keb

    Silly Birthers

    Totally seconded!
  15. Keb

    Silly Birthers

    I can't see it as being much different from the small minority who never accepted Bush's presidency as legit, despite all the recounts and nonsense. Yes, it was a remarkably close vote with a lot of issues brought up, but the election process went through the procedures for such a situation...
  16. Keb

    Too Broke to Procreate

    I worry a lot about debt, too. I'm going to grad school this fall, but if I hadn't gotten a teaching assistantship, I wouldn't be. I was lucky, though; my parents were incredibly frugal and started a college fund for me the day I was born. I have one very small loan against me, which I -could-...
  17. Keb

    Would They Do This to a White Kid?

    Agreed! Though we adults should be careful never to just assume any particular kid is going to have sex no matter what. Kids should feel that abstinence is a real option. When they're told that they're not capable of waiting, that it won't be worthwhile, that they're missing out...it just makes...
  18. Keb

    Would They Do This to a White Kid?

    Hang on, hang on, hang on: Sex directly affects at least one other person and has the potential to affect any children that result from the act. It can also have serious emotional and physical repercussions. While I do agree that young people should be given more appropriate responsibilities...
  19. Keb

    Would They Do This to a White Kid?

    As his representative, I hope you'll be pointing out some of what you're pointing out in this thread, of course--with lots of evidence to back up your case. I think they're both way too young to be having sex anyway, but it's stupid to slap him with pedophilia when he's still pretty much a kid...
  20. Keb

    Anti-Abortion Legislation About Control -- Just Like Rape

    I disagree, because science has already told us a lot about how life begins. Personhood might be a debatable question, but denying human beings their personhood is generally seen as a negative thing that leads to atrocities. It seems to me that it is far better ethically to err on the side of...