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  1. Keb

    Arizona Congresswoman shot

    I'd like to note that, once again, the bystanders willing to fight back stopped the perpetrator. May we all be so brave if (God forbid) we're ever in position to be.
  2. Keb

    High Fructose Corn Syrup Really is Bad (or good if you're into gaining)

    My mom determined that corn anything (along with anything dairy) was contributing to her health problems, so we've done our best to cut corn completely out of her diet. That means intense scrutiny of every food label. If you start looking for corn--it's in EVERYTHING that's easy to cook, or...
  3. Keb

    Opinion split in Twain over book's substitution for N-word

    Yeah, it's just one edition. If people ignore it and insist on unadbridged versions, then it won't go anywhere or affect much of anything. The biggest risk of it is that the publisher is targetting schools. It's certainly not the first time that great works have been altered by later...
  4. Keb

    Is the auto industry losing touch with reality?

    I bought a used minivan because it -fit- me. I like that I can transport a mattress in the back, or cart a half-dozen friends to an event (things I have done more often than you'd expect!). But what it came down to ultimately was that for a tall, big girl...the driver's seat has to fit. I...
  5. Keb

    This Explains Much

    Yeah, but the conservative was right in Monty Python...
  6. Keb

    Fat peeps- do you, personally, blame any of your weight on influence of an FA/Feeder?

    I grew up fat and I believe it was mostly due to a combination of genetics, lifestyle (which is not to say my lifestyle has been totally unhealthy--just that I haven't had to hunt every morsel I've eaten over miles of terrain like my ancestors), and possibly undiagnosed health conditions.
  7. Keb

    The Dream Act

    I kind of have mixed views on this one. On the one hand, every time we make it easier for illegal immigrants to become citizens, we reward them for the illegal act of crossing the border--and inadvertantly punish those who have been working through the legal immigration system thrice over. The...
  8. Keb

    Christian Bbw Dating?

    I think it's complicated, since there are so many denominations, and some work well together while others don't. I'm Lutheran, but I'm not a regular churchgoer. (I am a fat woman, however, and, as they say, Looking.) Christian's become an unfortunately broad label.
  9. Keb

    Health care law unconstitutional

    Well, actually you make a very good point, I think--health care costs would be a lot lower without the middleman. But I suspect people would still purchase health insurance for the same reasons they purchase life insurance. They would be better able to do so if insurers had to cater to them...
  10. Keb

    Is TSA security an illusion ?

    Simple answer, yes. Those plots that have been foiled on 9/11 and since? The passengers fought back. TSA (and the security in place before 9/11) were useless. Locking the cockpit doors and reinforcing them made a repeat of 9/11 nearly impossible without cooperation from a pilot or copilot. It...
  11. Keb

    Health care law unconstitutional

    You have a good memory. I was fortunate enough to get reasonable insurance as a student when I went back to school this year. I agree with you that it's both necessary and important for people to have access to it...but I don't believe that more government interference can make it better, when...
  12. Keb

    Health care law unconstitutional

    Well, we haven't had a free market in the private sector for a very long time with health care; the government's subsidies have distorted the market heavily, and insurers have gone through employers (again, by government mandate in many cases) rather than directly to the customers/patients...
  13. Keb

    Health care law unconstitutional

    So, apparently requiring every US citizen to purchase health care is unconstitutional. (Thought so.) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/13/AR2010121302420.html?hpid=topnews
  14. Keb

    Sir Terry Pratchett's speech on Alzheimer's and Assisted Dying

    I've had the honor of meeting Terry Pratchett a couple of times at book signings, and I am a most ardent admirer of his work and his writing. I can't entirely agree with his position on euthanasia, but I understand his fear (and I lament that we are losing him, whether sooner or later). If the...
  15. Keb

    Federal Ban on Gay Marriage is Unconstitutional

    All right, let me see if I can untangle my reasoning a bit. Just to clarify, these are my personal beliefs about how government and marriage should function. 1. The government should be as unintrusive into the lives of citizens as possible. (This rules out fertility tests as a condition of...
  16. Keb

    Federal Ban on Gay Marriage is Unconstitutional

    Not at all. For one thing, infertile couples sometimes -do- wind up surprisingly fertile (medicine is not always exactly correct). The point is that the possibility could exist, and that does make a difference. Anyway, it would be a moot point under the compromise I support.
  17. Keb

    Marriage on the Decline

    Which is even sadder from my perspective. I'm sorry, but I think marriage is a really, really good thing, and I think it is detrimental to people in general that it seems to be losing relevance.
  18. Keb

    Federal Ban on Gay Marriage is Unconstitutional

    I strongly support civil unions for all, with the term marriage stricken from government use (at least insofar as benefits or penalties are associated with it). Religions and private individuals can then continue to use the term as they see fit, with a real separation of church and state where...
  19. Keb

    Do you feel this Individual needs to be punished for his crime?

    If he's convicted through due process of breaking the law, then yes, he should face the appropriate punishment. Being a vet shouldn't make you immune to the law. Incidentally, if he's acquitted, I hope they return his guns to him. And either way, I hope he's getting the help he needs to...