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  1. Zoom

    Louise is home agaiin

    It says "picture not available". That's OK though, I'll take your word for it.
  2. Zoom

    'Sesame Street' unveils muppet to teach kids about hunger

    Yeah, let's teach kids about hunger generated by having Cookie Monster eat celery. :confused:
  3. Zoom

    Youth benched for scoring too many touchdowns

    Strange, isn't it, that all the other kids who are benched before the game, during the game and after the game don't play as well. What did THEY ever do to deserve being benched? And what about all the spectators? They never score any touchdowns! Someone should make them take the field as well...
  4. Zoom

    the unofficial Doctor who thread

    That, and the Ganger plot twist already happened involving Amy. But... what an opportunity for Moffat to use an actual deus ex machina!
  5. Zoom

    the unofficial Doctor who thread

    Me. :) http://www.facebook.com/wozat/posts/203524783043412
  6. Zoom

    Link to view the Dr. OZ show with Susan Eman

    For someone who's been on the board since before the current board software, Ned, you don't seem to know how to Edit Post. Just saying.
  7. Zoom

    Was Einstein wrong? (Speed of Light broken by scientist's)

    Here's how it could have gone: Dr. A: We detected some neutrinos over here. Dr. B: Oh, hey! I just detected some over here as well! Dr. A: But the neutrino source is the sun, and you're closer to it than I am. Dr. B: So you think they're travelling backwards in time? Um, WTF? For...
  8. Zoom

    Dimensions Forum Members to be on The Dr. Oz Show (Thurs. 9/22/11)

    It's strange that anyone expected Dr. Oz to be entirely different this time about size acceptance and health (or even HAES) than, say, the dozens of times he'd discussed fatness in previous episodes (and also on Oprah). One of those episodes concerned a debate about taking all fat children...
  9. Zoom

    So Look What I found in a 1954 Horror Mag

    I'm surprised. I thought I'd seen just about every fat-related horror story from 1950s comics. Still, there weren't too many Charlton Ditkos in my online collection.
  10. Zoom

    Dimensions Forum Members to be on The Dr. Oz Show (Thurs. 9/22/11)

    Talk show? I thought Dr. Oz was a game show. Well, here's hoping you can keep your home.
  11. Zoom

    There was a BBW woman 10 minutes ago on Sons Of Anarchy, the show on FX!

    As opposed to the BBWs who are not women?
  12. Zoom

    the unofficial Doctor who thread

    "Let's Kill Hitler" showcases yet another way the Doctor can survive being "killed" in the first episode. I won't reveal it, but it's bloody obvious.
  13. Zoom

    Just learned a new word....(read on)

    I know a better word. Iatrogenic The internet defines it as: Of or relating to illness caused by medical examination or treatment. The way I originally heard it was: A sickness caused by doctors. Anyone coining words to make something sound worse in an effort to stamp it out...
  14. Zoom

    YouTube username ideas?

    It's YouTube! Go with RickAshley.
  15. Zoom

    Stupid super powers.

    The ability to come up with stupid super powers!
  16. Zoom

    Angel Blimp! - by BlimpEx (~BBW, ~~WG, Erotica)

    Nice story, though I admit I only clicked on it because I thought it was based on Oji Ryojoji's "Angel Blimp" character (cf. his drawing of her).
  17. Zoom

    Best Garage Sale or Thrift Store Find

    Got a Vectrex at a garage sale for $25 about a decade ago. Today it's worth over $150. About eight years before that, I found a near mint copy of Iron Fist #14 for a dollar. In 1998 I also found a slow 486 PC for $65. I got about ten times the value out of it, sort of like Strong Bad did...
  18. Zoom

    I...I Can't wait for Captain America...must concentrate at work...

    Thought it was Captain Canada, what with all the appearances on Canada Dry products. Also, TMZ said it. Hel, I could wait for Thor to come to DVD before seeing it, I can certainly wait for Flag Boy.
  19. Zoom

    AMA Journal: Foster Care for Selected Obese Children

    The way I see it, there is no way that anyone in power should be allowed or able to know exactly what any child weighs. Certainly schools have no right to the information, despite the fact that some schools have been forcing kids to get weighed. Of course, the problem then becomes one of a...
  20. Zoom

    Additional forums for Dimensions?

    I would second a gaming forum, but I have different tastes in games than most people (turn-based 2D games like Angband, Nethack, etc. and other old school stuff) and code my own games, so it wouldn't be of much use to me. But by all means, if enough gamers who like modern 3D stuff want to...