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  1. G


    How are you doing? Were you able to get tested?
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    The daily exercise report thread!!

    Question: For those in quarantine, what are you doing for exercise? Looking for ideas...
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    Five San Francisco Bay Area counties just went into "lockdown" (legal mandate to stay home except for basic activities): https://www.sfexaminer.com/news/in-defining-moment-san-francisco-to-order-residents-to-stay-home-over-coronavirus/ Meanwhile, a WSJ editorial warns against only testing those...
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    FFA's: What's your ideal first date?

    A nice first date would be a movie. You can get your BHM snacks and a big tub of popcorn, then rub his belly. He should come away comfortable with your attraction to him and willing to indulge when he is with you.
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    BHM From B*tch to Boss

    This is developing very nicely. The characters feel real, the story line is moving along, and the sexy scenes are so hot they could melt my screen. Thank you.
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    When you exercise what do you use?

    I like to vary the routine. For cardio, I do spinning, or elliptical or treadmill. For weights I do freeweights, or machines or just body weight (the toughest, given how big I am). Keep those muscles surprised, who knows, they might actually respond and get stronger, even if they’re buried under...
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    BHM From B*tch to Boss

    This is very nice. My mind skips forward a few years to imagine Dolly’s effect on Nick’s waistline. No doubt Dolly will fatten him up to her liking.
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    Selfie Art

    Can you tell us something about how you did it? Always interesting to hear the artist's perspective.
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    Revisiting ... the FFA guilt issue

    Anjula said: "The worst thing about it all is when you’re an fa and the fat is a turn on the fat person doesn’t feel the pressure/need to lose weight so he’s really just getting bigger and you’re torn between your treacherous pussy and your worries about his weight" The desire to change...
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    Anyone Fattened Up a BF or Hubby

    Fattening a boyfriend or husband is very common: https://www.confessionpost.com/8908/My-wife-is-fattening-me-up
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    Is it hypocritical redux; to be attracted to fat while remaining thin?

    It is not at all hypocritical to have a different preference for yourself versus your partner. The contrast in weights may in fact be a large part of the mutual attraction. For my part, I love the idea of a slender FFA fattening me up for her pleasure...
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    Gainer Guys Talk About Gaining

    Good discussion of gaining men here: https://www.confessionpost.com/8908/My-wife-is-fattening-me-up
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    Mutual gaining/feeding yourself

    Well, it does appear to happen in real life, if you believe this: https://www.confessionpost.com/8908/My-wife-is-fattening-me-up
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    Who do you want for president 2016?

    The RNC could well divert funds away to down-ballot candidates. We are nearing that point now, with viable paths to a Trump Electoral College victory dwindling as battleground state polls show Trump support plummeting. However, there is no mechanism for the RNC to nominate another candidate (the...
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    This is the threaD to tell Amarathine good luck in grad school

    Good luck in "gradual school". For some reason I thought you'd already been there forever ;)
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    Your Wild Life

    The Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, at the northern tip of the Everglades, is the home to countless birds, one of whom is this great blue heron.
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    What are you unhappy about today?

    A high libido is neither good nor bad. It's how you choose to satisfy it that matters. So best not to be angry at a part of you, but own it and embrace it.
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    What are you happy about today?

    Probably indicative that your pelvis is moving while lifting. You might want to try to lessen the weight and slow down the reps. Should give as good a burn but in the places you're trying to strengthen. You also might want to try hip stretches to avoid potential muscle balances. Good luck with...
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    What are you unhappy about today?

    Do not stress; just accept yourself and your needs. Also, know there is a well proven cure to high libido: Marriage and children. :eek:
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    How to battle high bad cholesterol and high triglycerides successfully?

    I had a blood test in September that showed elevated triglycerides and LDL. I had been taking Omega-3s, but added Krill Oil. Also, I changed my exercise program to one emphasizing high intensity exercise rather than longer periods of low intensity. At my most recent blood test, the...