I have been lurking on dims for a solid 18 years now. I'm a longtime fat admirer and feeder. I've been relatively skinny for awhile. Years ago I had gained quite a bit with my girlfriend at first it was on accident (when we met I was super skinny 16 year old at 6' and 135 lbs and she was 5 7" and around 190) I was actively feeding her throughout our relationship and about 6 years into she was 260 and one day she started making fun of me because my belly was hanging out of my shirt. I was so focused on her body and feeding her I hadn't realized I had gotten pretty chubby myself. At first I was a bit self conscious since I'd always been really skinny but she assured me she liked my stretch marks and love handles. She used to rub my belly while I was the one usually doing the belly rubbing. She would buy ice cream and other snacks I liked and we would always stuff ourselves silly. I was only about 190 at the time. After a year of us gaining together I was up to about 240. We always enjoyed stuffing together and I've always loved to cook so I was cooking for both of us. I plateaued around 255 and she was right around 300. It was a great time in my life. I've been single for a few years I had lost a lot of weight and was down to 140. I decided I had gotten too skinny so I started purposefully gaining again. I'm back up to about 190 now but I really miss having a girlfriend to gain with and encourage. I guess I'll have to keep stuffing my face until I meet someone. Any emcouragement would be appreciated